please help me for unbrick my Iconia

thanks for your attentions
my charger is orginal and i tested it by multimeter there is 12V dc
i buy an external 9V & 5A charger to charg my battery without my tab
please pray for me

from Nokia N900


Your charger should look like this with a very short cable.


  • $IMG_20120204_020858.jpg
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hi! i have the same problem with A500 and i successfully solved it! I write guide on xda. here is the link to it. (forum_____xda-developers_____com/showthread.php?t=1572622)

your problem is in firmware for charging controller.
hi! i have the same problem with A500 and i successfully solved it! I write guide on xda. here is the link to it. (forum_____xda-developers_____com/showthread.php?t=1572622)

your problem is in firmware for charging controller.

That is all fine if you have sufficient power which Darvish does not. His battery is totally dead - as a dodo. He will have to remove battery from A500 and see if he can charge it that way.
hi! i have the same problem with A500 and i successfully solved it! I write guide on xda. here is the link to it. (forum_____xda-developers_____com/showthread.php?t=1572622)

your problem is in firmware for charging controller.

dear sir
i do your method at xda forum but it dosent solve my problem and now my tablet is shutting down quickly after turn on what can i do?
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Darvish, have you opened up your tablet yet to see if you can get at the battery?
yes sir
i opened up it and took my battery out and charged it with an external power supply and assemble it again but unfortunately nothing changed :(