[POLL] How Often Do You Reboot Your Device?

Ok, I've crossed the 1000-hour mark between reboots on my Nexus 7, with no noticeable degradation in performance:

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
Wow that's extremely impressive. Do you use any programs to monitor cpu/ram usage? I haven't had my N7 very long but haven't needed to reset it yet either, just curious if you'd need to do anything to maximize it's performance after such a long up time.
These are the running apps:
SeePU and WatchDog are great apps to see what your device is up to. I am running stock, rooted. I'm not using any app/modification to enhance this device; the stock N7 is an amazing Android device.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
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I am following the advice found at the bottom of this page (before the Comments section). So I try most times to power-off my SGT2 7.0 at no less than 75% of charge, and charge it for 30-45 minutes. I have a backup Zeki 7-inch tab that I use during these intervals.
This must be something new started by T-Mobile. About a year ago, you went more than twice that long w/o any message from them. I've got mixed feelings about an ISP digging around in my device and mining information like that for whatever reason.
The above message was from my new Samsung Galaxy S4 phone.
Here's my good old 2012 Nexus 7, still on Android 4.1.2, with over 2450 hours of system uptime (no reboots):

Now that's what I call stable. :)
I reboot my tablet after every charge. Here's why: A portable device should be turned off while charging. This allows the battery to reach the threshold voltage unhindered and reflects the correct saturation current responsible to terminate the charge. A parasitic load confuses the charger. (Battery University)
I reboot my tablet after every charge. Here's why: A portable device should be turned off while charging. This allows the battery to reach the threshold voltage unhindered and reflects the correct saturation current responsible to terminate the charge. A parasitic load confuses the charger. (Battery University)


I disagree but oh well, I have charged portable devices while they are on, probably longer than this study has existed.
Will continue to do so, a device that requires regular rebooting is simply a poorly designed device.
I have never left my Androids powered up at nite...

The Surface RT, on the other hand...
Is that a record? Maybe a screenshot would be in order, just for the sake of posterity, in case it decides to reboot on its own.