Possible solution for slow wifi after resume on 7022


Aug 28, 2011
As everybody, I've been plagued with the "slow wifi after resume" issue on coby 7022 and I might have found a solution.
I took the wifi drivers from the telechips cyanogenmod port (CyanogenMod for Telechips | androtab.info) and they seem to work better so far.

What I did:
1) download the cyanogenmod zip for coby 7022 (http://files.androtab.info/telechips/cm7/20111029/KYROS7022-8K/KYROS7022-8K-cyanogen-signed.zip)
2) extracted the "wifi" subdir from the zip and copied it to /sdcard
3) deactivated wifi
4) copy /system/wifi to /system/wifi.orig
5) copy "wifi/*" from the sdcard to /system/wifi/
6) reboot

Note that I'm running under ktzrom mod (Log in), but I don't think it should make a difference.

I've been running the day and wifi seems to be as fast after a resume than after a reboot :)