Post number 1 of many

Mar 3, 2012
Hey whats up ya'll. Just got my first android tablet the other day so I'm joining in on the community here to maximize the effectiveness of my tablet and my experience as a user.

I have a hand-me-down Barnes and Noble Nook Color. Not really the best on the market I know but its a start. Currently I am running CM7 on it from a SD book disk. I'm pretty satisfied right now with it and I feel like its a good introductory tablet. I also have a stock HTC Inspire 4G phone by AT&T that I haven't really done much with yet.
Answer number 1 to Post number 1 of many :)

Congrats with your new Tablet and welcome to the Forum.
Hello StormBreaker, welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member and join us here at Android Tablets.