PowerElite 2010 Collection for Android

Thanks for this awesome collection, i like full versions of TapaTalkPro and PocketCloud, and hope that the sound won't be so laggy on my new Android device (now i have xFlytouch) :)
No it won't they work on ePad. Everything you see here works. Pocket Cloud was designed for Android OS 1.6 and up. You can use it on your Android smartphone too. Make sure you install the free host version on a Windows OS Client or Windows OS Server. On those RDP setting needs to be change on Windows OS so the Android can communicate with your PC or Server. Works on net books, laptops, desktops, workstations and servers.
No it won't they work on ePad. Everything you see here works. Pocket Cloud was designed for Android OS 1.6 and up. You can use it on your Android smartphone too. Make sure you install the free host version on a Windows OS Client or Windows OS Server. On those RDP setting needs to be change on Windows OS so the Android can communicate with your PC or Server. Works on net books, laptops, desktops, workstations and servers.

Thanks for your reply tipstir, i am allready using it for a few weeks, but now thanks to you i have full version :)
right now i am still using it with my gmail, because i am waiting my internet provider support employee to change my router settings, because he f... up something last time when he was connecting another router for IP telephony, and now my router is behind that one - as switch, so i can't open needed ports for better expirience with PocketCloud, but i must say that it works fine also over gmail account - Auto discovery Settings :)
That's good more collections releases soon. I've been busying solving bugs in other tablets for members/users. Question for you? Are you on a VLAN at your job?
That's good more collections releases soon. I've been busying solving bugs in other tablets for members/users. Question for you? Are you on a VLAN at your job?

Actually i am not on WLAN at my job, because my computer is connected to LAN network, sometimes i am using WLAN with my phone and xFlytouch. I have one question for you about an application Websharing lite, it works fine on my brother's Samsung Galaxy S, but i cant't get it to work on my ePad, i always get a message that my device is not connected to network-allthough it is and all other applications are working fine over WLAN. Can we expect " not lite version" in one of your next "Collections", that will also work on ePad's :D
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I have managed to make Websharing work on my ePad, the tricky part is that Cellular access under Settings --> Network settings must be enabled :)
And btw. i have also found "not lite version" on the internet and it's working great ;)
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