PRESTIGIO MultiPad Tablet PC 8.4" PMP3084B

Is not but you are .... not very smart.

Why would I be a liar? I might've made a mistake regardkng the memory, but it would still not be a lie. Although the memory thing is not clear yet. Android and stock apps take 1.4/1.5GB? Hm...I'm yet to be convinced of that.

Now let's stick to the facts.

1. Please take a look at the scan of the back side of the package my device was shipped in:

This is not a usual rounding in stores, as you put it. This is a fabricated lie.
As I already mentioned; it is not a dual core! It is not a 700MHZ either. It's most probably not even a 660MHz according to Rockchip website. LINK

Another interesting thing is that on their website, before people started complaining, there was also 700MHz written for this tablet. Now they changed it to 660MHz, which is also most probably not correct.

2. Considering the memory, it is still possible (altough I'm not convinced) that Android and stock apps (without music and books) take 1.4GB , but still the fact is that they have written;
"...4GB internal flash memory - for storing Ebooks, music and more..."
This is also a lie, since as a user, you don't have 4GB to store ebooks, music and more, but only 2.6GB. Some people might accept it, but it is still a clear lie.

3. Considering the update, prior to my purchase of this device, I sent an email to the Prestigio support team asking them if they will provide a froyo update. This was their answer (received in march) which made me decide to go for this device;

"We are expecting android 2.2 firmware upgrade in a month, so the answere on your question is yes."
(I have a personal info of the person from Prestigio team who wrote this, but I won't disclose it at this moment)

And what update did we receive almost 2 months later? Eclair 2.1.2!

Once again; a LIE!.

PS Thank you for enlighting us on the subject of the possible use of this tablet.
I knew exactly what a tablet is and what kind of a tablet I wanted when I was purchasing this device. I wanted the tablet with a 700MHz ARM9 CPU, 4GB of usable memory and a tablet with Froyo. All these things were promised, and none delivered.

Case closed.
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Maybe Prestigio don´t care about customers in Botswana.
But still problem is on seller side. I had from shop all info what I need.
My entry was reaction not only for yours complaints as you are not only one person in this thread or in universe.
I didn´t mentioned you are liar - I mentioned you are .... not very smart, or dumb if you prefer something more specific . Now you can feel
Rounding is usual in computer world : 1TB harddisk is 930 GB after formating, Athlon 6000+ working on 3000Mhz, 800Mhz DDR memory is going suprisingly on 760Mhz default etc.


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Maybe Prestigio don´t care about customers in Botswana.
But still problem is on seller side. I had from shop all info what I need.
My entry was reaction not only for yours complaints as you are not only one person in this thread or in universe.
I didn´t mentioned you are liar - I mentioned you are .... not very smart, or dumb if you prefer something more specific . Now you can feel
Rounding is usual in computer world : 1TB harddisk is 930 GB after formating, Athlon 6000+ working on 3000Mhz, 800Mhz DDR memory is going suprisingly on 760Mhz default etc.

Pool452, don't be such a smart-ass (if I express myself with same level of communication as you). This case is simple: THINGS ARE NOT THE WAY PRESTIGIO WROTE ON SPECIFICATION AND SUPPORT IS SH|TTY. Unless your employee is Prestigio.
Update image is not correct (written for other regional version of 3084B) and update to Froyo was a BIG LIE! Understand? A LIE!! That's not the way you treat costumers.

I bought product from Prestigio 3 times. First time, last time and never again.
Exactly, branc!
The situation is clear. Prestigio is ignoring all my questions and complaints. Not only mine. It is clear that they don't care about us, their customers, nor they plan to do so in future. At best. No more point in discussing that. In the end it will be Prestigio's funeral.

What I would like to discuss is how to make the most of this product once we are stuck with it. Considering the lack of professionalism and technical competence (best shown in buggy official firmware and/or firmware update), I think that there must be much more potential in this device than Prestigio got out of it. I searched the net, but couldn't find any info on rooting, modding, and ROM flashing of this device. Any ideas?

Looks like automating rooting works with Universal Androot App!
I just tried it. The process went fine.
Let us save the day, and fix what Prestigio messed up!

Unfortunately it doesn't work. THe install procedure of the app goes well. And so does the "rooting" procedure. Superuser gets installed and available as switch in Root Explorer but nothing happens. It has no function. Not rooted. Still searching for a solution. Any ideas?
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I was convinced technical level of this prestigio is better than price and I received all data corresponding to reality so I am still convinced fault is more on your local seller side (and your photo of box suggest there were abandoned conception of this tablet) not producer.
I am still convinced you was expecting too much for your money.
I was convinced technical level of this prestigio is better than price and I received all data corresponding to reality so I am still convinced fault is more on your local seller side (and your photo of box suggest there were abandoned conception of this tablet) not producer.
I am still convinced you was expecting too much for your money.

Price is not bad. I admit that. However, even with low price we shouldn't be deliberately mislead prior to buying the product. Local seller definitely didn't print the box with false information. Prestigio did. Local seller didn't write "CPU @ 700MHz" nor "CPU @ 660MHz" on Prestigio web, when in reality it is @ 600-640MHz. Prestigio did. It still stands 660 on their web. Local seller did not lie via Prestigio official support to me about Froyo being 100% available in April 2011. Prestigio did. And besides that, since I mentioned this to them, Prestigio doesn't not reply to my emails and contacts. Zero support. This is not only unprofessional but a pure scam.

It works well!
It doesn't work like that. Long pressing the UP arrow does not exit the apps, but merely gets you to home screen. It's a HOME button. The app is still turned on and takes up memory. If you want to exit it for real, you have to install the task manager and kill the app. Or press the back button on the upper-right corner of the touch screen until you are back at start.

PS There are now slightly customized and partially rooted ROMs (thanks to donalddj83) available here.
DonaldDJ83 also made a partially rooted, and cleaned up version (no bloatware) of the official Prestigio v2.1.2 firmware. It woks much faster, and more memory is available.

There is also this fact, that in reality Prestigio PMP3084B is a generic Chinese device, which is sold in the same form, and with different label by diverse manufacturers.
1. Prestigio PMP3084B
2. Nextbook Next3
3. Odys Genesis
...probably more that I don't know about.

Good thing about that is that you can actually use any of those firmwares. So maybe, one day, we will have a universal firmware combined from the best parts of the all firmwares...
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I wrote such title on purpose... after read all the complains in this thread.

As any computer it requires knowledge and patience. All that the computer does relies in the firmware, and android it's an excellent firmware. So is this Yifang M901 device (original manufacturer) branded as PMP8034B, Next3, Odys, Master-G, Arnova 84, etc. etc.
This device can be as fast as the amount of applications installed, as Android is multitasking, applications aren't unloaded from memory. Except few cases that developer put a "exit", user must handle the cleaning of memory using some Kill applications.
Concerning Android Market (Market) there are some tricks to access it. Google have become less open that in the beginning then users have to learn how to do this. Then it can be used as many application as the memory allows knowing that there is a limit, as in any cheap or expensive tablet. This applies to the wonder of the universe: the Chinese iPad.
What limit the capacity of the device is the hardware, and in the firmware the Kernel. If is used the same kernel then any version of firmware (called too ROM) can be used, This way we have been capable to use android 2.1 (Eclair) 2.2 (Froyo) or 2.3 (Gingerbread). We are the guys were I contribute NextBook Next2-Next3/Prestigio PMP3084B/Odys Genesis -Eclare, Froyo, Gingerbread! - xda-developers . And in all this firmwares this device as have played succesfully. I personally prefer Froyo, as it takes more of this underrated chip RK2818.
RK2818 sports an awesome sound, as it has an excellent sound processor (CEVA MM2000), that is normal in Rockchip products. display HD 1024x768, handle a SD card. RK2818 is capable of play almost all sound and video formats. It has a graphic accelerator to play HQ youtube and movies. An awesome G-sensor that works fine to show image in portrait and landscape. USB port is capable of manage external devices, like a #g adapter, mouse or a keyboard. That's why I prefer Froyo. In some model send HQ image to TV. Touchscreen is resistive so can take just one point each time. I suggest to use a pencil and works fine. Probably the weakest part of the chip. Multitouch (capacitive) is really expensive.
There are some myth about Chinese devices Apple stuff is made all in China, as almost 80% of electronic world. The rest is from Korea.
And a final myth: there is not such thing a e-reader at this level of prices. Higher prices use some special kind of screen (ink screen) which are best for e-readers. But such devices relies as I said in the beginning in the applications. Games will run too and commercial applications.
We have an excellent device... for the price. Nor slow or limited, the user have to learn on how to get the most of it.

Our site: NextBook Next2-Next3/Prestigio PMP3084B/Odys Genesis -Eclare, Froyo, Gingerbread! - Page 37 - xda-developers
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