Is not but you are .... not very smart.
Why would I be a liar? I might've made a mistake regardkng the memory, but it would still not be a lie. Although the memory thing is not clear yet. Android and stock apps take 1.4/1.5GB? Hm...I'm yet to be convinced of that.
Now let's stick to the facts.
1. Please take a look at the scan of the back side of the package my device was shipped in:

This is not a usual rounding in stores, as you put it. This is a fabricated lie.
As I already mentioned; it is not a dual core! It is not a 700MHZ either. It's most probably not even a 660MHz according to Rockchip website. LINK
Another interesting thing is that on their website, before people started complaining, there was also 700MHz written for this tablet. Now they changed it to 660MHz, which is also most probably not correct.
2. Considering the memory, it is still possible (altough I'm not convinced) that Android and stock apps (without music and books) take 1.4GB , but still the fact is that they have written;
"...4GB internal flash memory - for storing Ebooks, music and more..."
This is also a lie, since as a user, you don't have 4GB to store ebooks, music and more, but only 2.6GB. Some people might accept it, but it is still a clear lie.
3. Considering the update, prior to my purchase of this device, I sent an email to the Prestigio support team asking them if they will provide a froyo update. This was their answer (received in march) which made me decide to go for this device;
"We are expecting android 2.2 firmware upgrade in a month, so the answere on your question is yes."
(I have a personal info of the person from Prestigio team who wrote this, but I won't disclose it at this moment)
And what update did we receive almost 2 months later? Eclair 2.1.2!
Once again; a LIE!.
PS Thank you for enlighting us on the subject of the possible use of this tablet.
I knew exactly what a tablet is and what kind of a tablet I wanted when I was purchasing this device. I wanted the tablet with a 700MHz ARM9 CPU, 4GB of usable memory and a tablet with Froyo. All these things were promised, and none delivered.
Case closed.
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