problem: some apps keep sending me to same error screen

Dec 29, 2011
Bought a Xoom 16gig family edition less than a week ago. Now when I open certain apps (angry birds seasons and camera app are the worst offendors) instead of the app, i get sent to a black background with "click here to learn more" in blue letters in upper-left corner, a white X inside of a white circle i upper right corner, and a "play" symbol on the screen. Clicking on the blue tect only leads to the same blue text of a web address for different companies, but doesnt actually take you to the internet. Getting fed up and rustrated, ran multiple virus scanners, nothing showed up. Any suggestions or advice before I return it?


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Sounds to me like you may have an illegal version of Angry Birds, rather than a virus or something like that. Also, is it the Stock camera app, or one from the market? Did you install something else that uses the camera? I would remove the angry birds, reboot and see if that helps.
Stock camera app, and the angry birds seasons game adwnload from the app store. I'll take your advice and uninstall and go from there. Might do a complete reset, havent had the tablet long enough to lose anything valuable by doing that, tanks for the help.
I guess that would be my recommendation. Sounds to me like you got something screwy in an app that was installed, I have not seen the error you are having before.

Good luck and sorry that happened.