Problems with coby 7022 and skype video


Nov 27, 2011
Can anyone tell me if skype video will work on coby 7022 os 2.3?
I have tried numerous versions of skype got video to work but no sound. Has anyone been able to use skype with video and if so please tell me how.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Hi sullys48312,

Welcome to the board. I don't know the answer to your question but hopefully a mod or admin will come and move this to the Coby second generation forum for you, I hope you're able to get it working properly. :)
Hello, welcome to Android Tablets and congratulations on your new Coby 7022. Glad you decided to join the forum. I'm moving your post to the Coby Generation 2 section where those who have that tablet will be able to help you with your problem. Good luck!