PROJECT: Reviving a Hard Bricked Kyros

OMG!!!! After 4 weeks of hardbrick!!! (before i was mentioned here....) i finally got my 7024 back!!! you're a genius Arlic! and i can confirm that its not necessary to keep shorted pins 7&8 it is only for the table to startup after it has started you can safely release them!!
OMG!!!! After 4 weeks of hardbrick!!! (before i was mentioned here....) i finally got my 7024 back!!! you're a genius Arlic! and i can confirm that its not necessary to keep shorted pins 7&8 it is only for the table to startup after it has started you can safely release them!!

Thanks for the info, it will help others. Did you try without the shortcircuit between pins 7&8? Did it only work with the shortcircuit? Thanks.
Thanks for the info, it will help others. Did you try without the shortcircuit between pins 7&8? Did it only work with the shortcircuit? Thanks.
I think megaplex had a soft brick 'cause i did try all sort of methods here and from slatedroid and they didnt work, shortening pins 7&8 was the only method that worked.
Just asking, how to do a short? Just stick a small piece between pins 7 & 8 letting her touching both pins, and... do what? Also, we have to disconnect any cable before, etc?
Just asking, how to do a short? Just stick a small piece between pins 7 & 8 letting her touching both pins, and... do what? Also, we have to disconnect any cable before, etc?
my thought would be to 'wedge' ( gently ) a piece of solid copper wire betwixt them .
Yours is a MID8024, right? So we have two reports so far that this procedure works with 8024, and one (from megaplex) that 7024 doesn't need to shortcircuit NAND pins 7&8 for it work.

Yes, that is correct, mine is a MID8024. For a little clarification for others, this is how I did it. For the SD setup, I followed the guide here [Guide] Reviving your tablet in windows. -

I followed it step by step except for 5.2 and 5.3 (Do not change the Then when shorting pins 7 & 8 I used a tiny precision flat head screw driver that a placed between the two pins. The tablet should turn right on and as Arlic described the screen will be all white. As soon as that happens, you can take the screwdriver off the pins. This way it tells the tablet that there is a NAND again and the firmware will install/partition the NAND. this is good, because it will fix the bad flash to the NAND and will make it bootable again without having to short the pins. I let it run till it turned off like a normal flash. once doing that, I placed the official firmware on the sd card, turned on the tablet (white screen still) and did the normal "Power + Home" flash procedure and let it once again run till it turned off. once again, I was able to turn it on like normal (not shorting the pins) and it started, screen was fine and the official firmware flashed to the tablet.

Hope that helps others and if there is any questions, feel free to ask and I'll help to the best of my ability :)
i'm with my 7024 open, and still getting no success in short... is there something i'm doing wrong? using a very little screwdriver for cellphones...
For the people still confused here is a modified image from Arlic's 8024, i highlighted in yellow pins 7&8, these are the ones you need to get together with a really small screwdriver or something else... keep those pins shorted and start your tablet assuming you have your SD already formatted with the files structure needed. After the tablet have started and showed the screen you can release them.

$coby shorted.jpg
guys, i did this procedure at my tablet...

it didnt unbricked it yet, but now i can see the coby logo and i can enter the recovery menu....

BUT my tablet cant flash any rom, it freezes at recovery.... any of u guys can help me?
My guess: some hard bricks occur due to a hardware failure, so there is no way to successfully re-flash the ROM without fixing it first (defective NAND, defective CPU, power supply, etc). Why do I say this? Because I've seen reports of people with hard bricked tablets that got theirs bricked simply by trying to flash OFW. The MID1024 I saw hard bricked already had many "unusual" problems like restarting itself or losing configuration files all by itself...

The only way to know if it's really defective or not is to get a console connection to the tablet board, so we are able to know what's going on.
weird, i managed to short the pis 7-8, got the "mid upgrade system" screen
with procedures:

erase system...
make partitions...
writing system...
writing user data...
shutdown now

and does not start anyway... only power on the screen shorting pins again.
using the official coby update in a 4gb external card
erase system...
make partitions...
writing system...
writing user data...
shutdown now

The NAND flashing is missing (it happens before the part you described above). If it doesn't successfully flash this part then the tablet can't start up by itself.