Protective case for A500 now available!

I saw this case yesterday at Staples and to be honest it looks and feels a little flimsey. At 40USD it can't say its a good value.

Agreed. However, it's not as flimsy as it looks, it offers a fair degree of basic protection, it fits like a glove, it's a decent hands-free stand, and had you bought it from Staples last week and called Staples for a price-match, they would have given it to you. It's a much better value at $30, which was the price at Acer until a few days ago.
i got mine today and it fits nice only thing i would change is the velcro they should have used a magnet. hopefully there will be more stuff coming out since the tablet is more available now.
I prefer to handle my tablet naked so I am not a fan of any of the cases. I use a $13 neoprene sleeve and a $30 Griffin Loop stand. The Griffin is really sturdy and slippage has not been an issue so far.

I just got the HP mini case and the Acer fits in very nicely. If I get a chance I'll take some pictures and post them. The case is about 1/4 inch bigger than the Acer in both directions so the Acer can move about when in the case. I put my Rube Goldberg hat on and I'm going to take a cheap Walmart black hand towel and cut off a piece and roll it into a small "log" which I will place in the 1/4 inch gap and hopefully prevent the Acer from moving about. The case will be in an outer pocket of my carry-on bag and it fits nicely in that pocket. While I don't care too much if the Acer / case combo moves about within the pocket I would prefer that the Acer did not move about within the case. I'll let you know how my idea pans out!


P. S. I found a vendor on eBay that sells it brand new for about $12 including shipping. Just search for the case's part number, WV594AA, on eBay and the vendor should show up.
Mine came yesterday from Acer. The fit is super snug, so the tablet will not slip at all. When I put it in the first time, I was in a hurry and put it in upside down. It was so tight removing it was a chore, but I got it out by carefully slipping a finger into the bottom and sliding it until I could get a firm grip to pull it the rest of the way.

There are only two bothersome problems, but not deal killers. The case is black and shows dust, and the micro chip cannot be removed without taking the tablet out of the case. This will probably not be a frequent happening once I get a larger capacity chip.

As for the feel, the surface provides for a good grip, and makes it easier to hold. The front flap gives ample protection when closed.

Lastly, I was fortunate to get the $19+ price just before it was raised.
The case isn't as bad as people are saying it is. It really does fit like a glove. All the cutouts align perfectly. I'm not too worried about the velcro. I do believe the price may be a bit high, but it is what is. I like it. If the velcro comes off, I'll replace it. This case will definitely protect my Tablet. That's all I ask.

just got my case in as well, i'm with swagger. the case isn't nearly as bad as some folks make it out to be... my velcro part on the tablet portion of it seems not very good however it still works.

my ONLY gripe about the case, and this is minor since i know it'll go away. is holy hell does it smell BAD. literally gives me headaches from the smell of it and i normally can't smell anything (i've got nasal issues) but boy can i smell this case.

Also as swagger says, if the velcro fails i have magnets i plan to set up with it. overall i like the case.
I had bought this case off of and ended up returning it the next day for 3 reasons:
1) The tablet fit so snuggly into the case that I had to really grasp it in order to put it in or take it out. I was at the point where I was squeezing the screen into the body of the tablet. I got afraid that I would crush the screen or something.
2) There was no memory card access when the case was on. I have 2 memory cards and want to be able to swap them when needed.
3) Combination of 1 and 2. Since I would end up having to remove the case to swap memory cards, I was afraid of breaking the tablet while doing so.

Of course, I do agree that the velcro should be a magnet or something (as long as it wont hurt the tablet). But that didnt cross my mind at the time.

Anyways, iIs anyone else finding that the case is extremely tight though? If not, I wonder if mine was messed up or something. (I wont get it again because of the memory card access though).
Hi Guys,

Rube Goldberg lives!!

The first picture is the HP Mini with the Acer inside of it. (The small piece of foam rubber is only there to keep it open for a better picture.) As you can see the Acer fits nicely in the case, but the case is a little too big and once closed the Acer can move around inside the case. Probably wouldn't do anything bad but I wanted to try to make the Acer a little more secure inside the case.

The second picture shows my Rube Goldberg solution. Its a plain black cheap Walmart towel that I cut up and rolled three edges to make "logs" to cushon the two sides and the top of the Acer. Its a little hard to tell from the picture but if you look carefully near the zipper you can see that the towel is rolled up. I used a needle and thread to hold the logs together.

The third picture shows the Acer in the case with my home made cushon. You can see that its much more snug and once I zipper the case up and shake it the Acer is totally immobile! Also the top of the cushon makes sure the zipper will not touch the Acer.

So, I think I'm all ready for my upcoming trip!!


P. S. You can click on the picture to get a larger image. The resolution of these pcitrues are similar to others that were posted but those appeared larger in the actual post than mine did. I'm not sure how to do that!

$HP Mini 1.jpg

$HP Mini 2.jpg

$HP Mini 3.jpg
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I bought the case from staples and showed the cashier the Acer web page showing that the same case was $20 and they matched it. It fits very well, but I don't think I would have purchased it for more than the twenty I paid. Its just not high enough quality. The seams make it uncomfortable to hold and its just not on par with the leather case from verizon on the galaxy tab. I will be replacing this case as soon as there is something better, preferably leather and not $120...

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk
I will be replacing this case as soon as there is something better, preferably leather and not $120...

Sent from my A500 using Tapatalk

I'm with you, there. Really hoping someone comes out with something as sleek but in leather for less than $60 (yeah, I know I'm dreaming!) But until then...
I was hoping to test out the case in the store but it comes in a sealed package. So I bought it anyway and, well, it's better than nothing.

I really hate the velvet feel and where the cover folds just looks flimsy to me. I have paranoid thoughts of it tearing after too many folds.

I will be keeping it on because it's nice to have the viewing angle, though I will be replacing it with something better as soon as I can find it.

Oh, and the smell was pretty terrible at first lol.
Has anyone tried a Kindle DX case? Their sizes seemed to match up when I compared them day, but the case that BB sells are clip style, so that wouldn't work. I'm thinking that something made for that with loops might work just fine? I haven't tested one to find out and I'm gun-shy to just order one online.

Edit: Oh, and I plan on using the external SD card a the lack of access in the overpriced el-cheapo Acer case won't work.

Edit again ... found a product I like and would be willing to pay for ... but of course there's nothing for the Acer yet ... let's barrage them with requests to add the Iconia to their line-up!

Web site with Xoom case:

I sent an email to customer service ... within an hour I got the following response:

Hello Pam,

Thank you for your inquiry and input. While we do not have a case for the Acer A500, I am more than happy to forward your interest – particularly for a Kickstand style case - to our product development team. Please feel free to contact us with any further questions or concerns.

Kind Regards,
Alisha S.
Customer Service Team
Incipio Technologies
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I have had the case now for about two weeks. Since there isn't anything else out there (Except those $120 leather ones) I don't have much choice. I use mine for work mostly and am always walking between meetings. The first thing I did was to add two more velcro strips on the corners, My case is pretty secure when I close it. After a few weeks it does become a bit easier to slide in and out. But not all apps will rotate properly, so I wind up turning the entire device upside down to read, write or play Angry Birds. If you want to take a photo you have to fold the cover's flap down, otherwise it blocks it. I also have a nagging problem in that the tablet slides up in the case so that I can't cleanly reach the back buttons, etc. Oh, yeah, covering up the Micro-SD slot is a pain the butt too. I am considering taking a razor to it.... other words, it beats all the competition, since right now there ain't any. But I will be dumping it in the first garbage can the second a better one comes out.

That's just me. Your mileage may vary.
Anyone in the UK after the official Acer case? Look no further than CBC Computers in Sheffield. I ordered mine at midday Tuesday afternoon (yesterday) and it arrived at 8.25am today, signed for. The price? A princely £26 delivered!! Fantastic service!!

It may not be of PDAir or Krusell quality, but it does the job. I bought an Advent screen protector for a Vega Tablet PC (excellent for anti-glare), cut it down to size, all installed in the snug Acer LC.BAG0A.011. Perfect for now until the comfy leather versions start at reasonable prices.......
