Question: I want to go back to factory rom - do I need NVFlash


Mar 4, 2011
I am returning my G-Tab and want to put it back to what it was when I got it so that I don't run into any problems.

When I installed CM7 and Clockwork Recovery Mod v2.5.1.1, I made a backup as recommended by the instructions. I copied that 220mb folder to my hard drive so I wouldn't lose or destroy it.

The folder that I saved the backup in has the following files:

Directory of C:\Users\Default_User\Downloads\viewsonic\original_rom_backup\2009-01-

01/01/2009 03:33 PM 2,112 .android_secure.img
01/01/2009 03:31 PM 16,777,216 boot.img
01/01/2009 03:33 PM 10,560 cache.img
01/01/2009 03:33 PM 82,137,792 data.img
01/01/2009 03:33 PM 222 nandroid.md5
01/01/2009 03:32 PM 16,777,216 recovery.img
01/01/2009 03:32 PM 116,842,176 system.img

My question is do I need to use NVFlash (as indicated here) or can I use CWM to do the restore? I did try it with CWM but CWM said it couldn't open directory. So I'm guessing that I need to put the files from the backup in a certain folder?

NOTE: The date of the backup is listed as 01/01/2009... I think that was because at the time I rooted the tablet, I hadn't fixed the date/time yet... I'm guessing 01/01/2009 is the date the unit ships with.... Hopefully?

In any case, thanks in advance if you can point me in the right direction. I'd prefer the simplest method of restoring to factory and was hoping that I didn't need to go through the NVFlash process (it looks complicated).

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if your going to return the tablet i would recomend doing the nvflash method to get it back to complete stock
In my experiences, restoring CWM back-up worked very well every time. Anyway, if you had the CWM v0.8, then you could do the simple steps as follows:

. Download Stock 3588 image
. Calkulin's xda-developers

. Boot into CWM then run Calkulin's, then clear Dalvik cache and partion sdcard to 2048M for Ext size, and 0M for swap size.
. Then run
. Then reboot.

Not sure if it works with your CWM

Thanks for the advice! I was able to get'er back to stock with the 3588 file you offered... and it's been shipped back. Sticking with my Nook Color for now.