ram question


Mar 19, 2011
i know everyone has there fingers crossed for honeycomb to come out on the gtab (and soon). ive been looking around and it seems all tabs running honeycomb have 1 gb ram. my question is will 512 be enough ram to do all the live widgets and all the cool things the xoom can do with honeycomb? will it be slower? i dont know much about all this and am curious.

im also trying to decide whether or not to get a gtab. the xoom looks awesome and i dont mind dropping 600 for wifi, but if i can buy the g and have the same experience, i can spend my money on other things like beer and crawfish.
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Can't pass it up at that price. If honeycomb slows it down I can always sell it on eBay or craigslist. Even if It lasts me two years they will have the hex or octa core out and I'll get a new one. And I could give this one to my wife. I'm gonna pull the trigger. Thanks for that link buddy
I LOVE MY G-TAB.. and i carry it daily and use it daily... my lap top gets very little love any more.. lol

there is more to consider than JUST ram if you're looking between the XOOM and the gtab.. the xoom does have more ram.. plus... higher screeen res, greater viewing angle. gps built in, magnometer sensor, built in HDMI, 32GB onboard WITH still being able to add as SD card, a rear facing cam hat is capable of 720p recording (i be laughing at you if you were holding it up recording your kids school play though) a higher res front facing cam, a better multiaxis acelerometer..... plus the advantage of out of the box Honeycomb product that WAS the development hardware for the Honeycomb OS (meaning the software was written specifically for this tablet) ... plus it is promised by motorola to be kept as an open framework.. i.e no locked bootloader like their other latest devices... so hacking is alot easier for future software enhancments IF you decide to do it....

all in all I'd say in the end it's worth the extra $300... IF you can afford it... it's out of my price point though (for $600 you can get a pretty decent laptop)... and yes.. you can over come quite a few if the obsticles of the G-tab lacking most of the additional sensors.. i.e. porting your gps of of an Android powered phone via bluetooth...

In the end it depends on the user experience you want.. do you want to learn to hack and tweak a lower end device (my personal choice, and not really THAT hard especially with the support of our wonderful development community..thanks guys/gals)... or do you want an OUT OF THE BOX experience....
i am wanting to learn how to hack which is one of the reasons i decided to get the gtab. in a couple years ill probably buy another one anyway. might as well get the hacking skills honed and be ready for the next one. plus, i read a post somewhere talking about how they cant spend that much money on a toy, which this is basically a toy for me. all i really want is to be able to view nfl.com fantasy gamecenter from the couch, all the rest is just a plus. im looking forward to it
Kewl.. glad you're coming onboard... you wont be disapointed.. hope you got in on that WOOT.COm deal ...