Re-stall Windows & Android on Vpad10

Hello TonyBaileyUK, Thanks for the teardown as it has motivated me to do research on my own to find a larger ssd for my vapd10. My research led me to buy, for only $120USD on ebay a Toshiba SSD 128 GB SATA 3 THNS128GG4BAAA which, when taken apart contains a Toshiba THNSNB128GMSJ half slim 128GB ssd module, the same exact form factor as the original 32GB sandisk that ships with the unit. My question for you (considering its had to tell from your one picture) is, is there anything plugged into the mini pci-e card slot on a factory vpad10??? if it is empty, I am considering a module from - GTM671/679 combo module - it gives you 3G(HSPA or HSAP/EV-DO), GPS (standalone & A-GPS), Voice and Wi-Fi option versions. I did not want to open my unit until I receive my 128GB drive but wanted to move forward in procuring the above mini PCI-E module - thanks in advance, cheers!

Hi Vpad10 Hacker

The pci-e slot was empty on my Vpad 10 and I would be interested to know if your option works in the UK I like the idea of GPS on the vpad I have got Autoroute 2010 running on it at the moment and fancy using th vpad as a large Sat Nav
Have a look at this it may help its on the tegav2 forum site
By the way I am only running Win 7 pro on it not Android (not impressed with Android at all although would like to try Honeycomb if someone gets it to work)
Also lucky enough to be going to New Zealand later this year and would like to take the vpad with me if I can get the gps/3g working on it

Good Luck
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Hello all. Just bought my Vpad, should be here in another day. I ordered the same 128gb ssd as Vpad10 Hacker did based on his post and finding a Chinese eBay like site that showed it disassembled however after making my purchases I came across yet another post on tweekstown showing that the drive is full height once the case is removed but who knows.
Anywho, ill let you know.
That being said, has anyone tried throwing in a Broadcom CrystalHD into that open 3G slot? I have one laying around so thats on the list but i was wondering if it had been done.
What im really interested in is the honeycomb build that Tega has been working on, anyone scene a port in the wild yet?
Hello All, Well I looked at the same Japanese (Chinese) site showing it as a half slim and then after looking at the tweekstown site, am convinced that it is full height, NOT HALF!. The seller on ebay is kind enough to take the THNS128GG4BAAA back and give me a full refund. I am going to just go with a SanDisk SDSA4AH-064G 64gb half slim card from -SDSA4AH-064G for SanDisk | Arrow Electronics Components

The one I really want is apparently not available to the consumer market and only to OEM's

SG Series (Standard-Performance SSDs)?Product Lineup?TOSHIBA Semiconductor Company

Sorry to everyone for the confusing and inacurrate research. The net is not always right!
Hello hastaply, Please contact Geep on ebay, the seller of the 128gb drive and ask him if he will take it back, he did for me ad others. Sorry for the wrong info I posted!!! :-( see update below on thread
Ok, I got the viewpad today and the performance is great, i mean really great, tops my iPad hands down. The 16gb drive is worthless, tried to do windows update and ran out of hd space, wtf?? Ok. I contacted the seller on eBay however he had already shipped the drive but said he would except a return once I sent it back to him. No bid deal, I ordered that sandisk 64gb drive. I had been looking at a 64gb drive from kingspec but the speeds between that and the sandisk are night and day so I went with the Sandisk.
I installed the 2gb of ram, easier than my last netbook. I plugged in the CrystalHD card but so far no luck in getting it so show up. I think, and someone correct me, the port needs to be turned on. I tried the 3g software from tega but no luck. If someone has any suggestions Im all ears here.
Android 1.6 is a joke but the im not going to update until the new drive gets here. One thing i will say is that it loaded up in seconds. Once that new drive is in, ill update and see how Plants vs Zombies looks, lol.
Anyone found a case yet? I would love to find a portfolio for this.
Hello hastaply, Glad to hear he is taking the drive back, again sorry for the bad info. I am holding off on the 64GB sandisk until I hear back from toshiba semicondutors regarding the 128Gb drive. I called and told them that I was a VAR and looking to buy a bunch of them. More on this if they get back to me. As for a case for the vpad10, if you go to best buy, the soft case for the HP tablet fits like a glove!
If you have better luck with Toshiba semi then i did, more power to you. From what I can gather, its no longer made but Toshiba semi were really dicks about it. I was hoping to find one online but everyone that did carry it is sold out. Ill take a look at the cases, for now im using my old keyboard case from my epad.
Hello hastaply - well, i managed to get them to sell me 10 of the 128GB drives. the only catch is that i have to receive (purchase) them through an authorized toshiba semi reseller. who knows how much they will mark them up. my plan is to buy a few vpad10's on ebay and update them to have 128gb hd, 2gb ram, 3g/wifi/gps & 2.2/w7 & ubuntu preinstalled and resell them. I then would sell the rest of the unused 128gb's (with or without preloads) to fellow vpad owners like yourself. how did the sandisk 64gb work out for you? and have you checked out the HP case? OK, more on this when I finally get them! thanks-george

If you have better luck with Toshiba semi then i did, more power to you. From what I can gather, its no longer made but Toshiba semi were really dicks about it. I was hoping to find one online but everyone that did carry it is sold out. Ill take a look at the cases, for now im using my old keyboard case from my epad.
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Well, the 64gb is good, although I still want to upgrade and with the dual boot its a bit tight. Sadly i cant seam to get market to work well with the 2.2 upgrade nor have I been able to get the crystalhd to work. I ended up using the case from my old zt180, the one with the keyboard. Its good enough and i do like the bare feel of the pad when going in the "just tablet" mode. If you do end up selling the 128 preloaded with dual/tri boot, let me know. FYI, both ubuntu 10.04 and redhat are sick on this, crazy fast but I kept mine limited to android and w7 ult for space reasons, 2gb for ubuntu is more than i wanted to give up.
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hello hastaply, good news! I hate to sound lazy but I cut and paste what I just wrote on another sub forum. let me know if you want one me to put your name on one of these. GV ******************
I have 10 THNSNB128GMSJ on order directly from Toshiba, not these gray market, possibly FAKE ssd's you find on alibaba or aliexpress or eBay listed as Tosshiba (yes, 2 SS's) TOSSHIBA SSD Hard Drive 128GB SATA THNSNB128GMSJ mini | eBay They are due in by the end of this coming week. by the time I pay the freight from japan, distributer mark up and sales tax (I am not a business), they will cost me about the same as on this site linked above, and he only has 1. only difference is that I will offer them to those interested with android 2.2 preinstalled WITH FULLMARKET ACCESS. If you would like your windows 7 home or professional also installed, all I ask is that you send me your windows 7 install disk and key, I do not preinstall illegal duplicate software. I can also partition the 128GB SSD so that you can have a Tri-Boot Table and install ubuntu and do your own rooting, all in the same 128GB drive. Look for my new forum postings listing the modifications I have made to my VPAD10 including 3G and GPS built in. Check out my profile pic's of what I have come up with for your enjoyment. More to come soon!
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HI Guys

I posted a separate request and this is one more. I have viewpad 10 dual boot. I attempted upgrading with un-official android 2.2 (x86) but nothing happened. Now I am unable t boot to windows or android. I get error 15. When I try to install using USB or micro sd, works well without installation on hard disk but on hard disk I get message, unable to format...and does not instll even after selecting do not format......

Can any one help

what's a DOK? I've seen a couple posts on the internet, unless what you call a DOK is what I call something else, USB stick perhaps?

What have you done so far? Installed Android? When you bootup what message do you get? Have you attempted what you are asking for yet and it has failed or have you done nothing to your partitions yet?

Where did you download your Android x86 image (from the Android x86 project or nightlies)?

If you re-install win7 it's best to install win7 before Android. Win 7 will overwrite your bootloader preventing you from booting into Andorid.

When you setup the partitions via the Android installer, gParted or GRUB, does the partitioner see your microSD as /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc? or is the only option /dev/sda (sda1, sda2)?

You will have to do what you are looking for in the following steps;

1) Format your Android partition to ext3 (DO NOT OVERWRITE YOUR NTFS PARTITION)
2) Install Android x86 to your microSD card (/dev/sdb or /dev/sdc ...)
3) Write a new partition table. The utility with the Android x86 project will do this automatically.
4) WHEN YOU SEE THE MESSAGE FOR A WINDOWS NTFS PARTITION CLICK OK TO WRITE THE NEW BOOTLOADER. (use GRUB or the utility that comes with your Android installer)

Additional utilities:

Download GRUB here:

Download gParted live here: GParted -- Download

What OS do you have on your desktop to build your .iso CD/USB? Windows or Linux? (Get Ubuntu if you don't have it here, Download | Ubuntu I can't seem to do anything with Windows)

If you are using USB .img files, I like ubuntu image-writer to build the bootable USB,

If you are using .iso files, use UNetBootin


On my viewpad 10pro i tryed to reinstall to factory original setting But by mistake i format to ntsf .
pls help me step by step to create a new partition so that i can install both os.
Coz its not installing from original DVD.

When i tried to boot from Gparted i get Kernel panic see the picture


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