Request for an APP from Academia


Feb 7, 2012
Hello all,
This is my first posting to this forum. Hopefully I won't be asking a question with an obvious answer. Duh!
Anyway, I am in charge of a new Electrical Engineering program at the University of Washington Bothell campus. We teach a significant number of courses on line and as such, we are sensitive to the technologies available to us.

One problem that I have teaching online is drawing circuit diagrams. When I'm standing at a Whiteboard and drawing, I can look at my hand as I draw and see what I'm doing. When I draw on a standard graphics tablet input device I'm looking at the screen and moving my hand, but I can't see my hand, so my drawings tend to look like I'm drawing with my opposite hand.

What I would like to find is a tablet App that can mimic a standard graphics tablet input device with one additional feature. It shows you on the screen of the tablet what you are drawing on the screen of the PC.

So, the App I need turns an Android Tablet into a graphics tablet input device for a PC using USB as the link. I can draw on the tablet and what I draw on the tablet I can see on the tablet and it also appears on the screen of the PC in some application that I can share with my students.

Now I should say that I almost got it work with the help of a member of the Geek Squad at Best Buy. He used an iPad to wirelessly send cursor movements to a PC using a shared desktop application. It almost worked. When you put the stylus on the iPad screen, it recorded a dot on the PC, but if you tried to write a line, nothing happened.

So, if you have any ideas about how to accomplish this, I would be very interested in hearing from you. I tried to entice my students to do an independent study project to work on it, but so far, no takers.

