Request for Comments: Some documentation I've started working on


Jan 14, 2011
Hi everyone,
I hope none of you will mind that I've posted this here. I've decided to start writing up some articles based on my Android efforts. If anyone has a free moment, I would greatly appreciate some input from the community. I'm wondering if anyone finds it useful, and what sort of additional info might be helpful. My target audience is Linux users who may be new to Android (like me!). The site is The current format is a blog, but that may need to change to more of a wiki. I'm just getting started on it, so I'm not sure yet.
Thanks for any comments, and please excuse the interruption if you aren't interested.
-- Celtus
If this is going to be a community project, the blog format might not work so well. But we can still have Wordpress pages no?

To me, it's a nice read. But some people might see this more as more of a wall-of-text. Depends on who you are trying to target, but I like this.
Thanks for your thoughts! Yes, it does have a wall-of-text feel. I was thinking of having a recipe section with the 1,2,3 steps for some things as well. Mostly, I'm trying to write the document that I would have liked to have had when I started looking at Android. I've been working with Linux forever (literally, my first kernel build was before redhat and slackware existed), but android presented some departures from traditional systems that kind of threw me at first. The site is intended as sort of a mix of instructional info and some background. I would love for it to become more of a community effort. While it could never replace the sort of give-and-take we have here, it can be a bit daunting at times to find things. More than once, I've read through pages and pages in the forum looking for a couple of sentences that I read before, but can't recall in what context. That isn't a criticism, it's just the nature of forums.

I'll work on improving the organization - I'm not 100% happy with it right now either. If there are other ideas, I would appreciate them very much. If no one minds too much, I'll bump this thread when there is some improvement to see.
