[ROM] 1.2 Honeycomb Android Illuminate for The Gtablet\Zpad T2

Well it's more of a framebuffer issue rather then OpenGL. If it's in the beginning of mine it's a mistake because I did put a notice on the bottom of it saying it's not OpenGL but I'm very close to getting the framebuffer thing fixed because I can get flash to work, and HD videos to work but either the tablet crashes after a few pages of these videos or once rebooted it wont fully boot up. Now I do believe the same issues plaguing flash and hd video is the same thing with the camera. But also the media_profile.xml is not made correctly which I'm going to have to redo which I hope will also fix the problem. Another thing is I have to find a Camera.apk for Honeycomb that has the dex information inside of it already and not an dex file that sits outside of the apk.
Is there another location to download from? The download from this link will take over 2 hours at the current rate.
Well everyone the download links have been fixed at least for the illuminate downloads so please download and let me know how it runs and sorry for any inconvienence
Well it's more of a framebuffer issue rather then OpenGL. If it's in the beginning of mine it's a mistake because I did put a notice on the bottom of it saying it's not OpenGL but I'm very close to getting the framebuffer thing fixed because I can get flash to work, and HD videos to work but either the tablet crashes after a few pages of these videos or once rebooted it wont fully boot up. Now I do believe the same issues plaguing flash and hd video is the same thing with the camera. But also the media_profile.xml is not made correctly which I'm going to have to redo which I hope will also fix the problem. Another thing is I have to find a Camera.apk for Honeycomb that has the dex information inside of it already and not an dex file that sits outside of the apk.

You have to "find one"??? Why not deodex the apk yourself? Surely 'linuxboxsolution' can easily handle a simple smali/backsmali task? (It's little signs like this that make me wonder) and a main reason I would never flash this Rom.....Here, if you need help with Google....http://www.xinotes.org/notes/note/1286/ Just one of many ways...

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
I have got an issue after rebooting the new installed version

The installation worked perfect for me. I, came from older version of HC, wiped all user data /cache, started NVFlash 1.2 and installed as update.zip.
Everything went OK. I could install all programs I want and everything was OK

After restarting the device I don't have any response on my touchscreeen. The bottoms still working but no reaction on the screen???
When an error messsage pop's up there I´ve seen only small green frame but no action by activating him.

Does anybody have the same issue? and have anybody any idea how to run this device after Rebooting??

Thanx for your help

I reinstalled the older Version and this problem isn't there
You have to "find one"??? Why not deodex the apk yourself? Surely 'linuxboxsolution' can easily handle a simple smali/backsmali task? (It's little signs like this that make me wonder) and a main reason I would never flash this Rom.....Here, if you need help with Google....Android deodex how to | Xinotes Just one of many ways...

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

Why do this when it was a lot easier for me to pull the old Bottle of Smoke one. I did that after I realized he had put it in the data folder in his updates. Was retarded on my part. But also please forgive me because sometimes i run in to things I just don't understand at times because this truly is my first ROM but will not be my last. So the more I learn the more I try to put in to the ROM itself.
Did you wipe the user Data. I had to do this due to the introduction of some of the new LIBs it may require to give the user data a wipe on some tablets.
Dear Linuxboxsolution,

thankx for your help!:)

Yes I did an full wipe of userdata / cache. First with Clockworkmod Recovery while my old FW was still installed.

Next NVFlash FW 1.2 Bootloader

Copy update.zip / recovery to the device

Installing update.zip

Clear again Userdata / cache


That's the procedure I did, because this is alpha level FW and it maybe can't deal with former Userdata.

Again thanks for your help I'll try the latest FW-Version.

Maybe there isn't any problem. :eek:
Hello - I have tried a few roms and thought vegan gingerbread was awesome - been on it for a while - saw the video showing illuminate and figured I'd start over with it. I was on 1.1 bootloader so I tried following the instructions for flashing to 3588 stock in order to flash to 4349 stock. In the process when trying to flash to 3588 stock (which I was already on 3588, just not stock) my tab went to 1.0 bootloader 2639 - confused I flashed again - then I tried putting the files directly on the tab using USB connection (and had to create a command file (which kept saving as text). after the recovery didnt go to 3588 (it stayed 2639) I noticed the command text file and took the .txt extension off - tried rebooting and now my tablet won't turn on - no apk, no recovery, no home screen, nothing (and it's fully charged). Any help?? Would greatly appreciate any help! <I did try going to apk thinking the boot screen just wasn't showing up, but my pc isn't even recognizing the device at all.... Many thanks in advance - the android community support is absolutely incredible - thanks to all!

EDIT - I had tried connecting to pc and nothing happened, but figured I'd try apx idea again - and turned off (which it never appeared on), then turned to apx (pwr+vol-) - still nothing - plugged usb to pc - nothing - went ahead and nvflashed - and BOOM ----- BACK IN SERVICE - hope this helps someone else before they decide to pull the tablet apart..... CHEERS
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many youtube videos still not playing ... also some instability with some links in browser - causing return to home... some games are running slow and/or with a stutter....

thanks for working on this rom! has a ton of potential....
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ROM can be updated into viewpad10s or not. This ROM is supported or not. :)
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I just got my Gtablet back from being RMAd (dropped it and the screen broke :( ) Since they flash it back to stock rom, when I got it, I booted it up, made sure things worked, and then reset to factory defaults. Once I did that, I plugged it in via USB, copied the Alpha 3.0 update.zip and recovery/command to the mounted USB drive. Rebooted into recovery mode, it ran the update, and now it just keeps sitting at the "Illuminate" screen. Is it supposed to take a while the first time it boots? I've gone back in and wiped the user data/cache again, but it still just sits there on the Illuminate screen. I followed the instructions that were listed 1.2 Stock Branch Rom to Custom ROM for Viewsonic Gtablet <-- there.

I don't mind re-flashing again, I just can't stand Viewsonic's set up of it, and the lack of android marketplace.

Thanks for any help!

Edit: I re-flashed it, and didn't skip step 8 in the url above (perhaps a suggestion would be to make step 8 bold) however now I'm stuck with the honeycomb animation going for a bit, then the screen goes black for 2 seconds, and then it's back to the honeycomb animation. I thought I saw something about it earlier in this thread, so I'll go back through... If not, then I'm not sure what I'm missing.

Edit 2: I went back in to the recovery menu, told it to wipe the info again, and then went into advanced and told it to wipe Dalvik Cache, seems to be working now!
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