Requesting Firmware Dumps from Coby Generation 3 Devices

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Moderator Note: It has been explained on multiple occasions in this thread why these links were removed. There is a sticky post at the top of the Generation 3 forum with the same information. Any further requests for these ROMs and the thread will be closed.
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That isn't the complete dump. The complete dump is over 100MB in size and contains the following: boot.img, bootloader.img, recovery.img, system.tgz/system.tar.
Where are you adding it to? I use MediaFire and host both my dump and my nandroid backup there without issue.
Hello all. This is my first post here as I am a new member. I was finally able to temp root my MID7042-4 by means other than the one posted in the Development Index and Root Utility posted by Traveller1701. For some reason using the root utility posted by him, I could not get the tablet to root. I have temp root now I believe and was able to create a dump for my tablet for those that are interested. Anyone know how I can keep permanent root? Here is the dump. <---This is supposed to say MID7042-4 not MID7024-4. My tab is a 7042-4.

Let me know if you need anything else.

Thanks for all the hard work to Traveller1701.
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