Rockchip 7 inch Android Tablet - Apad iRobot (Moonse E7001)

I bought my 7" tablet from Merimobiles. The shipping took a few extra days (3-5) due to some confusion over the Chinese Dragon Boat Holiday, but Philip from Merimobiles (support) threw in a micro SD card for making me wait a few extra days. I have to admit that I was a little frustrated that I had to wait a few extra days, but I'm happy I ordered from Merimobiles as the device I got was top-quality.

Before ordering from Merimobiles, I also placed an order with ChinaGrabber (DO NOT BUY FROM THEM). China Grabber didn't respond to a single e-mail over a three week period. And even though they listed the device as a 600 Mhz RockChips processor, they sent me a device with a 350 Mhz processor. The device from ChinaGrabber was also much lower quality than the device from Merimobiles.

While I think that Merimobiles probably should have indicated that there was going to be a 3-5 day delay due to the Chinese holiday, overall I am happy to have done business with Merimobiles and I'll probably end up buying from them again when some good-quality 10" MIDs become available. quotes the Tpad as having :
Touch Screen Capacitive touch screen

Please confirm - as I believe the screen on this device is resitive
Interesting to see that all Android tablets are coming out with a 7 inches screen

I have been testing the Huawei S7 pad and it comes with Android 2.1, far superior with the unit Mike mentions that comes with Android 1.6

the Huawei unit is already available for pre-order in the UK and US
I have the iWeb 7" MID (Rockchip). When I first started it up, it acted all sluggish then got stuck in touch screen calibration. When trying to use my finger to calibrate the touch screen it repeatedly failed, eventually I used a stylus to calibrate to get past the calibration problem. The trick worked and now the MID workes just fine.
I'm very pleased with the performance of the device and it was well worth the month of waiting. The only problem I have with it is that the speaker is rather lame and I will replace it soon. While I have the case cracked open I will also try to move the WiFi antenna to see if I can find better placement for signal strength.
The speaker is okay on these devices if you would even just make the slot on the back wider.
It's not Apple product ?

Not Apple, but perhaps from Epple or Ipple! :)

I has been concerning about those XPad or IPed for a long time, but I still am not able to make my decision which XPad I should buy.

The android iPad seems to be better than other IPeds or Apads, however, it doesn't reach my specifications - At least 1GHz processor, 256MB/512MB RAM, so I have to continue to wait ;)

Or anybody know a some model comes with these hardware configuration?
I've had mine about a week. The second day I flash a new ROM. :DThe google market app dosen't work :confused: but I use my HTC hero and back up the apks to the SD card, put that in my computer and transfer the apks to a flash drive which i then plug into the tablet and install from there. It's really a fun device for less than $190. Attached is a screen capture of my home screen. too bad the very nice portrait display gets trashed in landscape mode:eek:


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