[ROM] Custom ROM for Coby Kyros 7042 - Rooted, Deodexed, Google Play

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I'm new to the forum. However I did come across the custom rom in this forum. I have use livesuite to copy the image to my coby kyros 7042 ics tablet. It worked great! Thank you for the rom. I have a question about the rom. It appears I can't access the camera...the message is simple..it says camera error. Cannot connect to the camera. I get that in the apps/widgets screen when I click on camera icon and when I choose camera instead of unlock at the unlock screen. I haven't seen anybody post about this. Can anyone help?

Question 2: If I put cw recovery on my coby will it erase this custom rom and force me to start over with another livesuite install of the image?

The image is from page 1.

Thank you for your help.
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what method or app should i use to mod the default battery icon on this cfw? any ideas?
You have to modify framework-res.apk. You do this by:

  1. Backing up your existing ROM, preferably by using Clockworkmod and its nandroid utility.
  2. Pulling your copy of framework-res.apk off the tablet and onto your computer.
  3. Renaming the file from framework-res.apk to framework-res.zip
  4. Extract the file to a directory using WinRAR or 7-Zip.
  5. Find or make the battery icons that you want to use.
  6. Name each of them as follows:
    * stat_sys_battery_xx.png, where xx is a number from 0 to 100.
    * stat_sys_charge_animxx.png, where xx is a number from 0 to 100.
    * stat_sys_charge_animfull.png
    * stat_sys_battery_unknown.png
    * ic_lock_idle_charging.png
    * ic_lock_idle_low_battery.png
  7. Copy all the png files to drawable-hdpi and drawable-mdpi, overwriting the existing files.
  8. Compress the contents of the directory into a new framework-res.apk using WinRAR or 7-Zip.
  9. Push the modified file onto the tablet using ADB.
  10. Reboot.
You will know if you were successful if the tablet successfully boots and you see your battery icon in the lower right corner. Most custom battery icons count down by 1 for every percent lost, which means some 200+ png files are required.

  • 100 for the battery percentage.
  • 100 for the charging indicator.
  • 1 for an idle charging state on the lockscreen.
  • 1 for a low battery indication on the lockscreen.
  • 1 for a full battery indication.
  • 1 for an unknown battery state or no battery at all.
The lockscreen indicators are likely not required for an ICS ROM. However I've included them on this list for the sake of completeness.
You have to modify framework-res.apk. You do this by:

  1. Backing up your existing ROM, preferably by using Clockworkmod and its nandroid utility.
  2. Pulling your copy of framework-res.apk off the tablet and onto your computer.
  3. Renaming the file from framework-res.apk to framework-res.zip
  4. Extract the file to a directory using WinRAR or 7-Zip.
  5. Find or make the battery icons that you want to use.
  6. Name each of them as follows:
    * stat_sys_battery_xx.png, where xx is a number from 0 to 100.
    * stat_sys_charge_animxx.png, where xx is a number from 0 to 100.
    * stat_sys_charge_animfull.png
    * stat_sys_battery_unknown.png
    * ic_lock_idle_charging.png
    * ic_lock_idle_low_battery.png
  7. Copy all the png files to drawable-hdpi and drawable-mdpi, overwriting the existing files.
  8. Compress the contents of the directory into a new framework-res.apk using WinRAR or 7-Zip.
  9. Push the modified file onto the tablet using ADB.
  10. Reboot.
You will know if you were successful if the tablet successfully boots and you see your battery icon in the lower right corner. Most custom battery icons count down by 1 for every percent lost, which means some 200+ png files are required.

  • 100 for the battery percentage.
  • 100 for the charging indicator.
  • 1 for an idle charging state on the lockscreen.
  • 1 for a low battery indication on the lockscreen.
  • 1 for a full battery indication.
  • 1 for an unknown battery state or no battery at all.
The lockscreen indicators are likely not required for an ICS ROM. However I've included them on this list for the sake of completeness.

Thanks a lot for such a detailed info! i wasn't sure about how to mod the battery icon, i tried once and the status bar was gone, had to reflash rom. :D

thanks again for your help :)
custom rom from page 1 works great. i click on camera icon in apps/widget or unlock screen and it says cannot connect. any suggestions?
There seems to be a show stopper with this ROM. I am trying to use a popular app called Droidremote with this ROM and the ROM seems to not load uinput.ko Because of this it makes Droidmote as well as a couple other apps useless. The thread will all my findings is here.

If the originator of this ROM could look into it great, but for now I am going to look at another ROM that has been proven to work.

searching on the web i found how to be able to read/write files to external sd, usually this is managed as a read-only, so apps like file explorers can't delete files from the external memory (sd) or add files, like torrent apps for example, this is just a copy from the platform.xml that came with this cfw, with an added comand to make the external sd writable. it would be a great adittion to this custom rom :)

just replace the original file with any file explorer with root acces (system/etc/permissions/)


  • $platform.zip
    2.2 KB · Views: 342
Worked great for me ^^ been using it for a couple hours, downloaded at least 10 apps from Google play and installed a 700 mb gameloft game (which required the market). No reboot, no freeze, just perfect ^^ Thanks, all I have to say ^^
I installed a ROM on my tablet, and it is restarting all the time and freezing, reistalei several times already, and already tried other Pcs, can someone help me?
hey i tried it and it worked but now the multi touch not working. Any suggestions on how to fix this it was working before I flashed it.
The 7042 does not have a multi touch screen it has a capacative touch screen . The ipad has amulti touch screen
Not to mention that the iPad screen is also capacitive. bigfish is confusing a feature of the screen with its type. Coby screens are multi-touch screens or else people wouldn't be able to cheat so effectively on Fruit Ninja.
Thanks for the reply, I tried that too, last night and also today, thrice, this time it just gets stuck at "COBY" and at times at "andriod" logo doesn't go any further ..
any help is appreciated :)

I have this same issue. I'm able to flash it back to the factory ROM without issue, so I know it's not because I'm using a laptop with Windows 7 64bit to run Livesuit.

Coby Kyros mid7042
Windows 7 64bit
Livesuit 1.7

Any ideas?
The flashing process starts. Takes about 3 minutes to complete ... Leave the USB plugged in

Your Tablet will Restart (Leave USB plugged In. ---- Takes 5 -10 mi
nutes to complete --- DeskTop appears on your Tablet --- (FINISHED !!!)

Unplug USB

- I just want to clarify something. after the 3 minutes how will i know its restarting?
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