[ROM] Imito iM7 Market Restore/Firmware Update

DaveS, I flashed my tablet's firmware that iMitoiM7-2.3-DT-UOE-2011.6.8.rar. Now my plate constantly shows black screen. Please tell me how can I restore it? My tablet iMitoiM7.
DaveS, I flashed my tablet's firmware that iMitoiM7-2.3-DT-UOE-2011.6.8.rar. Now my plate constantly shows black screen. Please tell me how can I restore it? My tablet iMitoiM7.
If you really have iMito IM7 device and Dual Touch screen ask about another firmware in group qq 144638829.
If you have single touch iMito device try out firmwares for ST UOD or UOE.

Follow instructions from arhives with ST firmwares or go to
this blog

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To get it work I need two files from some TELECHIPS 8902 ANDROID 2.3.3 devices, which is support this codec:

The best device for this is Dawa d7, but there is a chance to get it work from other TELECHIPS 8902 ANDROID 2.3.3 devices.


Here is ac3 in imito im7 Android 2.3.3 ROM by DaveS.zip
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My Imito sucks, it won't work properly, and i want to update to see if it gets better..

please can someone help me with the Rom chagging?

explain better what programs you use and the steps..

sorry for my bumb question, i'm new at this and i don't want to brick my device
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Dear sir could u give the updation link for firmware application 8001 for android OS samsung mobile GT510003.

Sent from my GT-I5503 using Android Tablet Forum
Well done!
After a lot of time I spent to search firmware update for iMito I've got it!
Yesterday I found instruction on this blog (at that time there was no English), then I tried out firmware from this link (after this I bricked my device).
Then I joined group QQ 144638829 where guys from iMito gave me right firmware!
Special thanks to "lelel akrio" and "bill"!
There are several versions of iMito IM7 devices: Single touch (ST), Dual Touch (DT) , UOD and UOE (I don't know what it means)
I have 2 ver. of single touch firmwares: iMito+iM7+-ST-ROM-2.3.3_UOD.zip (this one was unbricked my device) and iMito+iM7+-ST-ROM-2.3.3_UOE.zip
Dual touch firmware UOE iMitoiM7-2.3-DT-UOE-2011.6.8.rar
This all firmwares are for 2Gb of internal memory.
If this firmware brick your device ask guys from QQ group 144638829 for another one.
They sad that I was first foreigner who asked firmware.

P.S. I have NO NAME Tablet from BestOfferBuy.com . When I asked them for Android 2.1 firmware (original) , they didn't want to give it to me! It was the first time when I was refusing to get firmware from seller!

Thanks for the update but it seem i cant get my to flash the tab. i dont know if im doing it right. anyway can you help me?
i followed the instruction: i extracted the file, run fwdn.exe on my pc, installed VTC driver & run on XP SP3. then cant go further than that.

1. i don't know what to do with the andriod usb window & usb driver for - is this not the same? where to put it? it's not an exe file & it seem im able to detect it by installing vtc driver thats provided in the download link.

2. on FWDN window, what file do we add? from the extracted file?: See instruction from website=

"Now it’s time to select which ROM you want to flash, follow the next picture go to ROM directory, then select and add three ROM files "lk.rom", "tcc8900_mtd.img", "NAND Data.fai" to list." are this the compressed files?

3. i was able connect the tab and it show the NAND data botton but not the same as the instruction:

Now you can click "NAND Data" button, a window will be pop up, just like following picture. (red color text saying : the file’s path must be same as last picture’s file "NAND Data.fai" ‘s path.)

the PATH is not the same, i can't look for the drive since it's not there. there was a drive D but when creating the image it couldnt locate the drive.
I dont know what to do next after experimenting with other ways to detect the device. i dont even know if it is necessary to detect it.

PLEASE HELP. Thanks!!!!
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I have by DaveS post the image iMito iM7 + + ST-ROM 2.3.3_UOD.zip flashed on my smartbook surfer (imito im7). it worked. Unfortunately, the touchscreen has an error. He can not be calibrated. when I touch the touchscreen with the pen, he skips. can anyone help?
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Hey DaveS

Thank you so much for the info. So far your post is pretty much the closest solution on the web. I do have one question though. I recently flashed my iMitO7 with the instructions provided with total success except for one thing, my touch screen does not respond. I waited for the calibration screen to pop up (without touching the screen beforehand) and still no luck. I'm currently using iMito+iM7+-ST-ROM-2.3.3_UOD unfortunately the other two (iMito+iM7+-ST-ROM-2.3.3_UOE and iMitoiM7-2.3-DT-UOE-2011.6.8 seem to both give me errors. I tried locating the QQ Group you recommended but no luck so far. I purchased my iMitO7 from ***************** if that helps any.

Any suggestions?
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, please read
this instruction
carefuly and do all step by step!

Thank you for the update and reply, much appreciated :)!!! but sadly even though i follow the instruction to the letter the TAB still unable to get pass the "Image File Path" which detects only the local drive. I have installed all the drivers inclusive in the 2options for IMITO which you provided but to no avail. I dont know what to do next, any ideas??? Btw, my TAB as mentioned was bricked by following the update provided by one of the SONYGOUP which may give some hint to solve it??? the screen when i power up the device shows the logo on the upper left corner. Shows 2drives when plug to windows 7 but can't access. Can detect upto NAND when using FWDN but can't go any further. Hope to get some help and thanks in advance for DaveS and for those you will help :D!!!!
I have by DaveS post the image iMito iM7 + + ST-ROM 2.3.3_UOD.zip flashed on my smartbook surfer (imito im7). it worked. Unfortunately, the touchscreen has an error. He can not be calibrated. when I touch the touchscreen with the pen, he skips. can anyone help?
Can you calibrated touchscreen? Now i have smartbook surfer and in image iMito iM7 have problem with touchscreen. That firmware you use now ?
Hi guys I have Imito im7 and i seem to have bricked it, it wont go pass the little android in the corner it stays like that 4ever. :) Need help on how to flash
step by step, downloaded roms from dave's post. THX
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Hi guys, i unbricked my device using roms from Daves posts!!! THX A LOT Dave!!! I managed to calibrate my touchscreen but its no good! I couldn't open link for step to step guide but i found it elsewhere. Flashed with FWDN and it worked like a charm!

P.S. There is only one thing i notised: FWDN recognises my device when i hold M button during startup, I hold M then i press power and FWDN sees my device immediately.
Since i did not see anyone mention M button before i thought it would be ok to do so myself. Hope this helps to anyone else who still has a problem with flashing their device.
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