[ROM] Stock Jelly Bean, Rooted, Deodexed, Crapware Removed

Hi mcl630,

thanks a lot for your help. The BattMod work´s about 2-3 times (from Device off and on or reboot) then you see no more the Icon in the Info!

When I restore a prev. backup, the icon is back for 2-3 times again.

Any Idea?

It is possible to make it permanent in System.

Another Question: On ICS the Stat-Line is located on the left Side of the Bottom of the Screen. When I has installed JB, the Line (with Home, Back & App Soft-Button) is about 2-4 times on the left Side. On the right Buttom-Side is the Information about Mails, Screenshots, SD-Card and the Clock, Wireless and Batt-Symbol. After a while, I don´t know why, the Home-Button´s changed in the middle of the Screen and the right-Button-Side changed to a small-Info-Line on the Top.

I have read about the Jelly Bean 4.1.1, that google has implemented this in the middle, but why it would be not changed direct after the Installation?

Nice would be the HomeButtons in Blue Color.

Thanks a lot for the moment.




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Hi mcl630,

thanks a lot for your help. The BattMod work´s about 2-3 times (from Device off and on or reboot) then you see no more the Icon in the Info!

When I restore a prev. backup, the icon is back for 2-3 times again.

Any Idea?

It is possible to make it permanent in System.

Another Question: On ICS the Stat-Line is located on the left Side of the Bottom of the Screen. When I has installed JB, the Line (with Home, Back & App Soft-Button) is about 2-4 times on the left Side. On the right Buttom-Side is the Information about Mails, Screenshots, SD-Card and the Clock, Wireless and Batt-Symbol. After a while, I don´t know why, the Home-Button´s changed in the middle of the Screen and the right-Button-Side changed to a small-Info-Line on the Top.

I have read about the Jelly Bean 4.1.1, that google has implemented this in the middle, but why it would be not changed direct after the Installation?

Nice would be the HomeButtons in Blue Color.

Thanks a lot for the moment.



I have no idea why the battery icon disappears... I built the mod the same way I did for my ROM, just used the SystemUI.apk and framework-ui.apk from your ROM. The only suggestion I can think of is try wiping the dalvik-cache in CWM (under the Advanced options) and reflashing the mod.

As for other issue, it looks like in the 1st two pictures you posted it's in phone-mode and the last 3 it's in tablet mode. Your launcher looks quite a bit different than the Lenovo one in the A2109. I'm not really sure what to tell you.

If you have more questions about the A2110/S9714, could you start a new thread please? This really isn't relevant to the topic of this thread.
thx guys lol next question which works better jb or ics
That's a matter of opinion. There's been a lot of discussion of that. In general, it seems people who play a lot of games on their tablet prefer ICS (better performance), while those of us who don't prefer JB (smoother). Your mileage may vary.
thx guys lol next question which works better jb or ics

I've found that stock ICS or MCL's ICS ROM have worked best. I want maximum smoothness and maximum battery life, and only the ICS ROMs have provided both. The MCL and stock 4.1 ROMs are smooth, but both took a pretty big hit on battery life.
not a problem I can run it through a kitchen and deodex for you.

Hi vampirefo.,

you remember, the ROM for the S9714/ A2110. You have succesfully changed the ROM and deodexed.

The ROM / Tablet runs beautiful - after 2 week no Problem. Thank´s again.

I have a anotherone ROM.

In a german Forum - i read from the older Tab named P9514, the People "bricks" allways the Tab. No booting, bootloop and so on.

O.K. The root from this Tablet is not so easy like S9714/A2110. (With Bin4ry Script) But I have in the between time a little bit exper. to do something.

I forgot, i have this Tab too. This was my first Tab. Inbuild is a Tegra 2.

Can you help me bzw. the user here in Germany and do the same what you do for the S9714/A2110 for the P9514? ( removed the signed verfication P9514 and update recovery , add superuser and deodexed you know)

Here is the link to dowload the rom. It is a ICS-ROM Ver. 4.0.3 !!


Here the Spec about the Tab:

MEDIONshop Deutschland | MEDION® 25,4cm (10") LIFETAB® P9514 (MD 99000)

Thank´s a lot for your help and the User here in Germany. I write your name in the Forum here , that you have do this work.
(in Germany we have no Donation Link - i look that i can do this from your site! here in the forum)


BTW. My Tab is rootet. I used a combination from A2109 and Lenovo Tools Fastboot with flash CWM.
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not a problem I can run it through a kitchen and deodex for you.

Hi vampirefo.,

you remember, the ROM for the S9714/ A2110. You have succesfully changed the ROM and deodexed.

The ROM / Tablet runs beautiful - after 2 week no Problem. Thank´s again.

I have a anotherone ROM.

In a german Forum - i read from the older Tab named P9514, the People "bricks" allways the Tab. No booting, bootloop and so on.

O.K. The root from this Tablet is not so easy like S9714/A2110. (With Bin4ry Script) But I have in the between time a little bit exper. to do something.

I forgot, i have this Tab too. This was my first Tab. Inbuild is a Tegra 2.

Can you help me bzw. the user here in Germany and do the same what you do for the S9714/A2110 for the P9514? ( removed the signed verfication P9514 and update recovery , add superuser and deodexed you know)

Here is the link to dowload the rom. It is a ICS-ROM Ver. 4.0.3 !!


Here the Spec about the Tab:

MEDIONshop Deutschland | MEDION® 25,4cm (10") LIFETAB® P9514 (MD 99000)

Thank´s a lot for your help and the User here in Germany. I write your name in the Forum here , that you have do this work.
(in Germany we have no Donation Link - i look that i can do this from your site! here in the forum)


BTW. My Tab is rootet. I used a combination from A2109 and Lenovo Tools Fastboot with flash CWM.

Here is the deodexed rom.

Dev-Host - Lifetab_p9514_deodexed.zip - The Ultimate Free File Hosting / File Sharing Service
Hi vampirefo.,

thank´s a lot for your work. I will be Test the ROM this evening.

You are fast - super-fast.

I will be wrote your Pseudo-Name in the Thread here and your donation Link.


Hi vampirefo.,

there where a misstake. Medion has 3 update in 3 Weeks. I post the wrong link. Sorry, sorry.

enclosed you will found the right link (The right number is dated from 20120719 - I think, no newer Update are coming).


BTW: I have tested the ROM from you. while flashing appears the message Random offset: 0x131. I flashed 2x more with the same 0x9f and 0x3a.

After flashing the tab would be hang on Medion sign. I been waiting about 6 Minutes then I used the Reset-Button. (This Tab has one)

Then the Tab is booting. After boot I received the messages below. The last Pic´s are Screenshots from my Tab.The left is after flashing the ROM from ysterday - the right is my Tab after Restoring backup!


After this message i do a full CWM-restore.


It is possible - like replace a app - to put the CWM - Image in the ROM? You can do that? It is not neccessary - more a question!

... and add Quick Boot to the ROM´s App. When the Tab is off, you can not go easy to recovery. This App do this very well.

Here the files


and a Info-Link about CWM for the Tab


CWM Image -direct-Link:

Handy Forum

and if found, please remove the Kaspersky Antivirus - is only a 4 week Release ( in pre_in KSMobile9.0....)

It is possible, to flash the ROM over the normal Android 3e Recovery?

I send you today a donation extra from me for your extra work.

Thank you very very much.



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Hi vampirefo.,

thanks a lot for the ROM. It work´s.

A last question:

The ROM would be flashable over Android Recovery 3e?
Must the ROM Name renamed to update.zip?
I will changed the bootanimation to lenovo.
It work´s - I have been tested.
Only replaced the bootanimation.zip and repack with winrar to a new zip-File?

In the evening, I posted the Thread here in german forum. (with your Don.-Link)


Louis :rolleyes:
Hi vampirefo.,

thanks a lot for the ROM. It work´s.

A last question:

The ROM would be flashable over Android Recovery 3e?
Must the ROM Name renamed to update.zip?
I will changed the bootanimation to lenovo.
It work´s - I have been tested.
Only replaced the bootanimation.zip and repack with winrar to a new zip-File?

In the evening, I posted the Thread here in german forum. (with your Don.-Link)


Louis :rolleyes:

No you can't flash ROM with stock recovery, you need cw recovery to flash ROM.
Good job!

Since this thread is a sticky one, I would suggest adding some links the first post to related threads for those who still need to root, unlock boot loader and install CWM...
