[ROM] Stock Jelly Bean, Rooted, Deodexed, Crapware Removed

Thanks to encouragement and help from vampirefo (I should also mention superhansi, mcl630 and gmarkall),
I went ahead and installed A2109_CWMrecovery- and A2109A_MCL0201.zip on my Medion Lifetab MD 99300 (S9714) aka A2110.

The system runs just fine and 'jelly bean' smooth.

So now, like anyone of you, I have a Lenovo (IdeaTabA2109A) tablet :p

Some things I need to check...

* 3G does not work (I guess I can compile a kernel+module that does)
* ext4 SD card does not mount from settings :confused:
(I guess I can do so manually from CLI)
same for CWM, it does not see ext4 sdcard
(I guess I can build own CWM that does)
in general I hate fat32 and really prefer ext4
* Lenovo says there is an update called A2109A_A411_03_13_121126_277_WW_F
I guess that is not really newer ROM, is it?

Thanks all, keep you informed


I can mount ext4 external SD as follows
mount -o rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 /storage/sdcard1
however: media apps do not find media there (other apps like Titanium do, albeit only after setting correct owner and permissions)
FAT32 SD cards, however, are automatically mounted
I suspect one needs some fuse sdcard change to make things work for ext4 (as it did for Medion Lifetab)
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Thanks for the share, I now have your rom and kernel running on my a2109. So if I can run your rom and kernel on mine, no reason you can't run our roms and kernels on yours.

This is very interesting. What version of android is the A2110 running? Is there any benefits of running it or even maybe making a hybrid ROM out of this and ours?

Edit: NM about the version I just noticed it in the screen shot. Its using the same kernel as our jb kernel though it looks like.

Thank you very much vampirefo for trying out. OK this gives much hope in concluding both devices have interchangeable software.

By the way, on my A2110 I can read/write ext4 microSD and USB sticks just fine (that is, I do not have any fat style filesystem). I guess same is true for A1209.

Have a nice day

Like I said above about making a hybrid, this would be a nice feature to have. IMO ext4 is much faster then fat32. I never knew that android could mount the sd card as a ext4 besides a partition. Is the internal memory also ext4 or fat32?

Sent from my IdeaTabA2109A using Tapatalk HD
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This is very interesting. What version of android is the A2110 running? Is there any benefits of running it or even maybe making a hybrid ROM out of this and ours?

Edit: NM about the version I just noticed it in the screen shot. Its using the same kernel as our jb kernel though it looks like.

Like I said above about making a hybrid, this would be a nice feature to have. IMO ext4 is much faster then fat32. I never knew that android could mount the sd card as a ext4 besides a partition. Is the internal memory also ext4 or fat32?

Sent from my IdeaTabA2109A using Tapatalk HD

'A2110' Medion Lifetab runs ICS and that's why I wanted to run A2109A ROM which is JB already.

It would be good to have common ROMs for both with superset of features (such as 3G).

ext4 is also much more solid and allows bigger files.

The A2110 mounts /data/media as 'virtual' /mnt/sdcard using the sdcard utility.
Similarly it mounts secondary (external) sdcard as 'virtual' /mnt/sdcard2.

The sdcard utility does not seem to care about filesystem.

Similarly the A2109A mounts /data/media as 'virtual' /storage/sdcard0 using the sdcard utility
But it does -not- mount secondary (external) ext4 sdcard as 'virtual' /storage/sdcard1.
It does however mount secondary (external) vfat sdcard using vold as /storage/sdcard1.

When I ran A2110 ICS ROM I considered it very cool that secondary (external) ext4 sdcard was handled by sdcard utility. No fat32 needed.

I guess A2109A JB ROM can do so as well, but, perhaps, some sdcard scripts were broken going from ICS /mnt/sdcardX to JB /storage/sdcardX naming.

I can, of course, ext4 mount secondary (external) ext4 sdcard on /storage/sdcard1 myself but then the media software does not recognise it as media sdcard and the music, photos and videos on it are not found :-(

Having rsync backup of both A2109A and A2110 perhaps I will be able to figure out how to get the 'virtual' /storage/sdcard1 back in JB


update: I guess Medion A2110 sdcard utility was an enhanced one to create multiple virtual sdcards. The google code has
#define MOUNT_POINT "/storage/sdcard0"
hardcoded but there is no reason why one could not give the mount point on the command line to virtually mount more cards
on say /storage/sdcardN N>0
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'A2110' Medion Lifetab runs ICS and that's why I wanted to run A2109A ROM which is JB already.

It would be good to have common ROMs for both with superset of features (such as 3G).

ext4 is also much more solid and allows bigger files.

The A2110 mounts /data/media as 'virtual' /mnt/sdcard using the sdcard utility.
Similarly it mounts secondary (external) sdcard as 'virtual' /mnt/sdcard2.

The sdcard utility does not seem to care about filesystem.

Similarly the A2109A mounts /data/media as 'virtual' /storage/sdcard0 using the sdcard utility
But it does -not- mount secondary (external) ext4 sdcard as 'virtual' /storage/sdcard1.
It does however mount secondary (external) vfat sdcard using vold as /storage/sdcard1.

When I ran A2110 ICS ROM I considered it very cool that secondary (external) ext4 sdcard was handled by sdcard utility. No fat32 needed.

I guess A2109A JB ROM can do so as well, but, perhaps, some sdcard scripts were broken going from ICS /mnt/sdcardX to JB /storage/sdcardX naming.

I can, of course, ext4 mount secondary (external) ext4 sdcard on /storage/sdcard1 myself but then the media software does not recognise it as media sdcard and the music, photos and videos on it are not found :-(

Having rsync backup of both A2109A and A2110 perhaps I will be able to figure out how to get the 'virtual' /storage/sdcard1 back in JB


update: I guess Medion A2110 sdcard utility was an enhanced one to create multiple virtual sdcards. The google code has
#define MOUNT_POINT "/storage/sdcard0"
hardcoded but there is no reason why one could not give the mount point on the command line to virtually mount more cards
on say /storage/sdcardN N>0
This would require rebuilding the recovery and the os, patching them both for ext4. The short method would be via scripts.
If superhansi releases his sources
I will try and compile the ext4 in the build.
Hi, I'm new here, sorry for my english,
i have a Medion Lifetab MD 99300 (S9714) with Jelly Bean 4.1.1

I look for a method to root this tablet,
you have a tip,can you help me, thank you


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The root method should be the same as the a2109, tasinofan has that tablet, I will let him explain it to you, also can you check and see if you had a dvd or cd with kernel source code?
Hi, I'm new here, sorry for my english,
i have a Medion Lifetab MD 99300 (S9714) with Jelly Bean 4.1.1
I look for a method to root this tablet,
you have a tip,can you help me, thank you

Hi Nighthunter

Welcome to the club of Medion Lifetab (aka Lenovo A2110) owners, ... nice device IMO

Let me first ask:

Did you buy the Medion Lifetab MD 99300 (S9714) with Jelly Bean 4.1.1
preinstalled, or, did you OTA (over the air) upgrade it from original
Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.4 ?

I ask because, if you bought with Jelly Bean 4.1.1 preinstalled, then
you could probably help the community by finding the linux kernel
source on your CD|DVD. I bought mine (in December last year) and the
CD|DVD contained a file named A2110_GPL_kernel_RC2.tar.gz, so, if you
have another one -please- let us know.

I rooted the ICS tablet using the XDA 'Root MANY ANDROID!' method (by
Bin4ry). CAVEAT: use method (1.) even if method (2.) lists Medion
Lifetab (at least it did in v18.7 and I asked Bin4ry to fix that).

I do not understand German but I read on 'android hilfe' forum that
people who upgraded to JB no longer can become root since above method
no longer works.

I did not try it (fearing it would fail indeed). Instead I added 'su'
and 'SuperSU.apk' to the A2110-JB411_02_00_130313_316_WW_F.zip and
flashed that unsigned. Of course, this assumes you have CWM
recovery. I had built a CWM recovery from source in December and later
I used the ones from these A2109A forums. I guess the problem with
most users now is that they do not have CWM recovery.

So I would say,

- perhaps someone knows where to find the original ICS .zip firmware
and you can downgrade, root, install CWM, and then I can give you my
unsigned pre-rooted update.zip

- perhaps there is another way to install CWM and then one can make a
superuser.zip to just install 'su' and 'SuperSU.apk'.

- consider reading [HOW TO] Install ClockworkMod Recovery and Root (by mcl630)
(I have not used the method but A2109A and A2110 -are- very similar and A2109A CWM recoveries do work for A2110)

- perhaps there is another, simpler, rooting method. ...


have a nice day
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I bought it in the last year with ICS 4.0.4, have is than rootet with Root_with_Restore_by_Bin4ry,
few days before then upgrade on JB 4.1.1 about OTA,
I wrote Bin4ry,and he answered me:"Sorry, will not work on JB 4.1.1 Firmware :/ Exploit is fixed in this firmware version. And i have no idea how to root it now."
The CD|DVD A2110_GPL_kernel_RC2.tar.gz is the same
Hello Nighthunter,

Exploits tend to be fixed one day indeed.

Unfortunately, I have no practical experience with rooting the stock JB upgrade without CWM already available.

As said, I had prepared the upgrade with an update that includes root.

But stock recovery only accepts Lenovo signature.

I hope for you that mcl630 method might still work (I have not yet read it in detail).


I´m a new member in this forum. May be you can help me.

I used a original Medion Lenovo LifeTab named S9714. The second Item is A2110A. The device has a MicroSD-Card and a SIM-Card-Slot build in.

I rooted the the devce - and unlocked the bootloader. Then I flashed the Original ROM "A2109A_A411_03_13_121126_WW".
I flashed the "CWM A2109_CWMrecovery-" and the "Superuser-3.1.3-arm-signed.zip"
After the first boot i renamed the "recovery-from-boot.p" to .org. Then again the "CWM A2109_CWMrecovery-".

I hope the listing of doing is right. Well, the device is rooted and works very well.

After one or two days, i remember from the SIM-Slot. Nothing wood be displayed. No IMEI-Number and Fon-Item and so on.

Is is possible, to restore the IMEI Number. On the Backside of the Tablet stay the IMEI- and the Serial-Number.

All Apps and the onandroid backup works very well !! (but i do this in CWM recovery with backup. In onandroid recovery wasnt backed up)

Enclosed you see same Screenshots from my new device!




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I do not think A2109A_A411_03_13_121126_WW has support for 3G.

When I ran it it also ignored SIM card.

Hi tasinofan,

You mean, the tab Medion S9714 with the Lenovo Rom-Version ww261112 has no support for 3G?

O.K. If so, I - and may be you - i see you have the same Tab, we can go back to the original Brandnew JB-Rom from Medion. It start's on OTA from 28.03.13.

The Question is - how to go back - over CWM or Stock-Recovery?

First is, we need the ROM. But i think, in a couple of days, they found a way over a wlan-sniffer to download it.

If not, we have only a good - very fast Wireless "Sofa" Tablet!

Greetings from Germany.
