Rooting and Google Marketplace using update to 7015A....step by step process

I was able to root my Kyros and add GApps with the 7015A update thanks to all the resources in the couple of threads and the great YouTube video. I know as a newbie to the Android world that it can be kind of confusing and seem like the language is to hard to understand. So I figured I would help out and try to list the process step by step from a newbie's perspective and how I did it. If I am missing anything, please feel free to add.

7015A Root and GApps addition

This tutorial will require a MicroSD memory card. That is how I did it, so it's the only way I know.

1. Using your home computer, download these files to you MicroSD card (save these files directly to the main level of the memory card and not in a folder on the card)

[APP] z4root - xda-developers

Recovery.img - Download

Google Apps Package - Download

2. Open the link below on your home computer using the Windows Explore. Once it is open you will be able to look around in the different folders. Go to the system folder, then bin folder, and copy the flash_image file. You will now want to copy and past this file onto your microSD memory card.

3. Insert your memory card into your Kyros.

4. Using your Kyros, go to LYSESOFT - Solutions for smart devices and download AndExplorer. Download version 1.7, the apk file. Install this application.

5. In the AppsLib market, search for Terminal Emulator. Download this app to your Kyros.

6. Open the AndExplorer application. Click on the root file at the top of the list of folder. Then go to your sdcard folder. Here you will see the files that you saved to your MicroSD card in the first steps.

7. Click on the Z4Root file to install it. Then open it. On the next screen there will be an option to do a temporary root or a permanent root. Select permanent root. Once the root is complete, the tablet will reboot.

9. Once the tablet has rebooted, you should see the Z4Root icon and the SuperUser icon in your apps menu.

10. Now you will want to open your Teminal Emulator app.

11. Once it is open, type the follwing:

SU (and then hit enter)

12. Allow the Super User access when the screen pops up.

13. Run the Terminal Emulator app again. Once again type:

SU (and then hit enter)

14. The keyboard should stay on the screen and the $ symbol should have changed to a # symbol. If the keyboard did not stay on the screen, turn your tablet vertical. Horizontal may hide the keyboard.

15. Type the following code (note: the #'s do not need to be entered by you. It will be given on each line).

# cp /sdcard/flash_image /system/bin/flash_image
# chown /system/bin/flash_image
# chmod 0755 /system/bin/flash_image

This code is moving the flash_image from your sdcard to the system/bin on the Kyros.

16. Now type in the following code.

# flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
# reboot recovery

17. The tablet will now reboot into ClockworkMod Recovery mode. In ClockworkMod Recovery you will use the home button to move between selections. Push the menu button will make your selection.

18. Select "install zip from sdcard"

19. Select "choose zip from sdcard"

20. Select your Google Apps file (

21. Select "Yes - Install"

22. This should now start installing Google Apps on your tablet. Once the installation is complete you can reboot your Kyros. When the home screen comes back up, you should now have the Google Market available on your apps screen.

I was trying to do no. 15 .. but keep on failed .. what did I do wrong?
I was trying to do no. 15 .. but keep on failed .. what did I do wrong?
Probably because you don't have the file flash_image on your SD card. You can get it by downloading the file from the Coby website, look inside the zip, inside system/bin is flash_image. Drag it out and copy it to the SD card. Now step 15 should work.
Probably because you don't have the file flash_image on your SD card. You can get it by downloading the file from the Coby website, look inside the zip, inside system/bin is flash_image. Drag it out and copy it to the SD card. Now step 15 should work.

I thought of that before posing but it is not there??? Maybe they renamed it or figured a way to genewrate it on the fly? I don't know but not there in the latest I just got my Coby Kyros so do not have any old versions or backups.

Would somebody kindly please email it to me if can not figure out a way to do online. Or email me and I'll create a shared dropbox for the transfer.

Thanks! I am on a tight deadline.

I created the email address for this purpose and will delete afterwards.

It's there, you just have to know where to look:) Click on the 7015 product, enhance the performance, option #2, step-by-step instruction.

Hi, That is what I think I am doing but it is not there...
I readily admit it could be some misunderstanding on my part. I am new to this.

I click on that and see the video about how to install the update. Below the video is a link to download That is what I have. It is a bit over 54mb in size. If I open the file or extract it on my PC or Unix machine as root or the Coby Kyros on the SDcard it just is not in /system/bin directory. What am I missing or not understanding?? Is it there but hidden in some way??

Someone please end my torture! Let me know what I am doing wrong or please provide a copy. I am using the email address and you can email me or email the file. I live in Austin and willing to go somewhere if that would solve the problem and copy the file from you. I have a deadline.

Go to the watery kyros thread, go to the last page, download one of the watery kyros zips, unzip it, and in the system/bin directory created by the zip you'll find flash_image

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Everything is working up until I'm in the Terminal emulator. When I type su, it says the application is requesting superuser, I have no options. There is a Superuser icon, but the prompt never changes to a #. still a $. Anything you can think of I'm doing wrong that would create a superuser account but not allow me to continue?
Were you viewing it in landscape mode? If so, it's known that the buttons for the superuser app are obscured. Turn it to the portrait orientation and try again.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
problem solved. Thanks a million.

I tried to search the thread for an answer...sorry if it was a repeat question.
URGENT request! I just followed the directions to a T, only difference is there is a new Z4root, 1.8, after it tell it to reboot recovery, all I get is the COBY screen, 10 minutes now, how long should this take to reboot into clockworksmod?
HELP! All of your steps worked great for me except that I get an error message when downloading the recovery.img. I'm using the MID7015 and here is the message I'm getting...from - Cannot download. The content is not supported on this phone. - I am unable to go past get the ClockworkMod Recovery mode to run because of this. Any thoughts?
Man, sat down and did this today. "Easy" is an understatement. Thanks for a well written, well explained tutorial. I consider myself mildly tech savvy but this was no brainer once I figured out about the keyboard hiding the Superuser allow.

One last do I "thank" on the forum, hah?