ROOTING the eGlide 4 (EGL25BL)


Jul 16, 2011
It seems that there is very little info about rooting ICS... and since TINY (the pad's new name) is so new, I doubt anyone has done anything with one...

In fact, I am the first I know of who even OWNS one (that has admitted to it, anyway. :rolleyes: )

I have already confirmed that there is no 'su' on the pad... the ONE file necessary to get ROOT privileges.
Knowing that GingerBREAK installs su on 2.3.3, I asked it to run... without success.... or even completion! :eek:

It looks like I will be forced to go thru the Android ADB connection routine IOT get this accomplished.

As I have never managed to get it done before, I at least have a bit more 'incentive' now.

Stand by for not-so-great events!

Perhaps... I can open up Gingerbreak and get the 'su' file... and insert it manually...
Will try and report back!
I think this is great that you are trying all of this. Keep us updated
I have found that this tablet WILL COMMUNICATE with the IUW (.ius) PROGRAM!!! :cool:
It uses the typical <MENU>+<PWR> in the OTG (lower) USB port...
I was able to use expert mode to place the ramdisk.img (that I 'cat'-ed from mtdblock0) back onto the tablet, and it worked with no APPARENT problems.

Naturally, I am hesitant about attempting the others... particularly since I do not have a full copy of the system image to restore. :rolleyes: I may be able to get the whole thing once I get root and then can use dd to create a TRUE image...

EDIT: I HAVE attempted 'dd' but it always fails about 22k bytes in... Im hoping that 'root mode' will be able to get the whole thing! :D

In the 'Other Interesting News' category...
This device has a CWM-style RECOVERY installed! It is accessible as most-all the CWMs are... by <HOME>+<PWR> until the eMATIC logo disappears...

It shows version <3e>... but also claims to be Infotmic system recovery utility... hurrumph! :p
It has:
reboot system now
apply update from external sdcard (seems 2b disabled as it goes to /sdcard (the INTERNAL part of the NAND), which it says it cannot mount :( )
wipe data
factory reset
(have not had the nerve to do it yet...)
EDIT: reset confirmed OPERATIONAL from this point! ONE good thing, at least!!! :D
wipe cache partition (HAVE done... but dont think there was anything there anyway.)
apply update from cache (but how/where to FIND it to put something IN it to update FROM!!!! :confused: )

Obviously I should be able to use IUW to place a recovery image into the cache, and have the RECOVERY do an update from there... if only I knew WHERE, as I have a 'true' CWM (4.0.5, I think) that Id LUVVV to try on it! :eek:

As Artie Johnson said....
Verrrrrrry Iiiiiinnnnterestingk!
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Some LIMITED success.

I managed to:

(1) Figure out how to get to the windows-based adb part of the Android SDK... and finally got it to run!
(2) Found that the pad has a 'disabled' adb, and was able to connect to it thru an adb shell.
(I say 'disabled' because when I asked for 'adb root' it says that root is not allowed in the production version... harrumph! :( )
(3) Successfully (I THINK) made a tarball of the /system partition (w/o lost+found)...

It looks like Im going to be forced to attempt to make an installable system.img with what Ive gotten, and the adb and su from the SDK emulation I made.
IF I can get that to load by IUW
it works as I hope it will, THEN adb should be able to remount system as rw, and su should work.

LOTS of IFs... but as long as I dont muck anything else up, I should be able to restore it! :eek:

For 'phase 2' of this project, I will need to move to the 'penquin-box'. :p

*** IF anyone can tell me what-all is involved in an actual root process, Id appreciate it! I can only do what I think needs done! ***
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I must admit...

I am VERY nervous about doing this... since I cannot get a good 'cat' or 'dd' of the mtdblock2 it resides in. (possibly on purpose...)

I must rely upon the ability of the recovery to... recover. :p

Still have not built the system image yet... been... mostly lazy! :D
I must admit...

I am VERY nervous about doing this... since I cannot get a good 'cat' or 'dd' of the mtdblock2 it resides in. (possibly on purpose...)

I must rely upon the ability of the recovery to... recover. :p

Still have not built the system image yet... been... mostly lazy! :D

Well you definately have more rooting skill than I do as I have never attempted a root from scratch. Glad to see you making progress, I would not even sure where to begin.

I have put this project on the back-burner for a time... as I have found an almost-functioning 4.03 (yes, ICS!!!) for my SuperPAD-type 10in pad!!!

It is not perfect, as the sound does not work... but EVERYTHING ELSE does, and hopefully I can decipher the whys/whynots...

AND... Im attempting to root it as well, which will likely be easier as it uses the internal TF card for storage and can be modified in Ubuntu...

I will NOT abandon TINY tho... he WILL be free of the shackles and chains of rootlessness.... :confused:

I have put this project on the back-burner for a time... as I have found an almost-functioning 4.03 (yes, ICS!!!) for my SuperPAD-type 10in pad!!!

It is not perfect, as the sound does not work... but EVERYTHING ELSE does, and hopefully I can decipher the whys/whynots...

AND... Im attempting to root it as well, which will likely be easier as it uses the internal TF card for storage and can be modified in Ubuntu...

I will NOT abandon TINY tho... he WILL be free of the shackles and chains of rootlessness.... :confused:


Glad you cot your SuperPAD almost functioning they way you want. Still enjoying my Ematic Pro Glide II XL, like I mentioned before, as long as I have the Market installed, I have happy with the basic ICS 4.0. Take Crae.

There is ONE major functional difference between the two... and that is TINY's data is in NAND, while SHEP's storage is internal TF with NORflash for U0/uImage...
Makes it FAR harder to make changes to TINY...

But Im thinking/hoping that, once I resolve the issue with SHEP, I can then use that to root-root-root!!! :p

Considering looking into an XL pro too... just 'cause. :rolleyes:
Some good news on the 10in front....

As of today I have successfully rooted Shep... the SuperPADx/dk1031 with internal 16gb TF storage...

To translate that into a method that will work in the NAND-based world. :rolleyes:

Please check the home-page NEWS for something that will make us 'rooters' VERY happy!!!

One of those astoundingly clever/intelligent/capable/etc. people at XDA has created a WINDOWS-BASED SCRIPT that will root most-any device that Windows has access to... INCLUDING the eGlide 4!!!! :p :D :p :D

I only see a couple of differences... so far (realize its been LESS than an HOUR!):

It changed the wallpaper... Ikno... big hairy deal... :rolleyes:

USB Debugger and USB connection shows up all the time now in the access bar. AFAIK there is no significant increase in CPU usage... so I truly dont care. Just an observation. *** EDIT: this has changed. After a couple of reboots I realized it had stopped. Perhaps it had before. ***

The 'usb file connection' works just as it did before. NO discernable difference.

Im thinking... if that guy/gal has a PayPal donation button... I just might use it! :D :D

Oh... and I can consider this thread CLOSED!!! (except for possible issues.)

... wonder if it would/will work on the XL Pro II???

Just a thought. :rolleyes:
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Hello Leeb,

I will picking this Tablet up 10/2 and give it a whirl. I will read your posts regarding your experiences and see how I like the Stock 4.0 ICS.
thanks for posting your results

Hello Again Leeb,

I noticed this thread as was curious as to how exactly this process works. I downloaded the file, what is the next step? Do I place the files on the SD card from phone?



Forgot to mention , when it comes to rooting, I am a total novice.


Nope... put them anywhere you like in your PC (like on the desktop... RunMe.bat and a folder called 'stuff'. nice & descriptive.) and allow RUNME.bat to run.
It will open a command prompt and do everything from there. ALL YOU need to is plug USB in when it tells you (the lower one) and press approval on the screen when it asks you to.

IT TRULY IS A WALK in the park... and I just did it with my new XL Pro 2... took LESS THAN A MINUTE for me (having done it once!) :D
In fact, as it IS a BAT file, you could EDIT it (just dont change anything!) and SEE what it is going to do...
I did... but Im nosy. :rolleyes:

All you will need/want after that is Android Terminal which is easily downloadable from Market.
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