S22 (hw-702t)

Hi Guy

i have also buy this tablet from Sunsky from China.
Surprise when i have try to make a hard reset for to have a Factory Setting it don't make this work. Why?
I have contact the seller but they are so complcate, also o have send they a videi where i show hot the tablet failed this operation.
I have ask they: If i want to resell this tablet how can i to erase all my account there?
They suggest me to connect at the pc and link the tablet at the pc, now i format the memory and is done.
Not true, is all the same.
Why it don't make the Master Reset? They will asking at the engineers! I need to laught so much?
this is the wrost buy i ever made on the net.... i think that i will consier my money just disappeared....

i give up.. there are no info on the net... no firmware to recovery.. nothing...

next time... stay away from sunsky-online and theyr stupid stuff
The link about the download above for me don't work

It say:

Download not available

The following download is not available:

http://rapidshare.com/files/443615512/T8902.rar80038 KB

The file of the above link no longer exists. This could be for several reasons:
  • The uploader deleted the file
  • The file contained illegal contents and was deleted from our Abuse team
  • The file is incorrect
  • The server is busy and can not process the request.
Can you please insert this file in another server please?

many thanks.
guys please help me. I upgraded the firmware went on haipad.net but I must have mounted the wrong one ("Haipad M701 Android 2.2"). Now the tablet should not be more. I'm not even from the possibility of starting with the boot. What should I do?
Please help me.
Hearing these unreversible process (mine too, boot cycle after removing built-in launcher), I am retuning my set to everbuying..based on resistive screen, android 2.1, and 5V DC adapter (manual and specs says 9V). They offered a partial refund too. Without recovery, it's as good as zero.
Hearing these unreversible process (mine too, boot cycle after removing built-in launcher), I am retuning my set to everbuying..based on resistive screen, android 2.1, and 5V DC adapter (manual and specs says 9V). They offered a partial refund too. Without recovery, it's as good as zero.

Look at the link above, there you can download the original firmware for it

Edit: File is deleted, sorry ferdi7650 I didn't see it.
I had luck to get it before.... I uploaded it again

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Thank you very much Saschad

My tablet works again
I was still waiting for the supplier give me the firmware
Every day since 2 weeks I send him Email : They say me to wait

I just restore it 10 minutes ago , but Saschad I want to say you quickly


Now I want ask to the supplier why they sell me the tablet with a capacitive screen who is not capacitive
May be they answer : wait
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I have big problems with the browser. It stopps and homescreen is shown. This happens sometimes. But when I come to androidtablets.net the browser crashes every time...
I have logged it with adb logcat. Maybe someone can tell me the reason for crashing

I/ActivityManager( 1092): Displayed activity com.android.browser/.CombinedBookmarkHistoryActivity: 547 ms (total 547 ms)

D/dalvikvm(21765): GC freed 5665 objects / 626944 bytes in 76ms

D/dalvikvm(21765): GC freed 2494 objects / 134832 bytes in 98ms

I/DEBUG (18428): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

I/DEBUG (18428): Build fingerprint: 'unknown'

I/DEBUG (18428): pid: 21765, tid: 21807 >>> com.android.browser <<<

I/DEBUG (18428): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr 00000000

I/DEBUG (18428): r0 00000000 r1 00000040 r2 00000000 r3 003a7132

I/DEBUG (18428): r4 0028000b r5 00280003 r6 003b3b10 r7 81abbd6d

I/DEBUG (18428): r8 470c4da0 r9 44e9fed8 10 44e9fec0 fp 0028c560

I/DEBUG (18428): ip 81ca0808 sp 470c4b60 lr 81a9fda9 pc 818f9600 cpsr 00000030

I/DEBUG (18428): #00 pc 000f9600 /system/lib/libwebcore.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #01 pc 0029fda4 /system/lib/libwebcore.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #02 pc 0029fd96 /system/lib/libwebcore.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #03 pc 0029fdda /system/lib/libwebcore.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #04 pc 002a2fcc /system/lib/libwebcore.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #05 pc 002bbd9e /system/lib/libwebcore.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #06 pc 0013741c /system/lib/libwebcore.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #07 pc 00157bd2 /system/lib/libwebcore.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #08 pc 00157cb2 /system/lib/libwebcore.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #09 pc 00176982 /system/lib/libwebcore.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #10 pc 002e294a /system/lib/libwebcore.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #11 pc 00169e82 /system/lib/libwebcore.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #12 pc 000a0b86 /system/lib/libwebcore.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #13 pc 0000efb4 /system/lib/libdvm.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #14 pc 00037c24 /system/lib/libdvm.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #15 pc 00013d18 /system/lib/libdvm.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #16 pc 00019648 /system/lib/libdvm.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #17 pc 00018b1c /system/lib/libdvm.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #18 pc 0004d08e /system/lib/libdvm.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #19 pc 0004d0c2 /system/lib/libdvm.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #20 pc 00041668 /system/lib/libdvm.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #21 pc 0000fdc4 /system/lib/libc.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #22 pc 0000f894 /system/lib/libc.so

I/DEBUG (18428):

I/DEBUG (18428): code around pc:

I/DEBUG (18428): 818f95f0 f7d61c20 bd10fe79 1c04b510 4b076800

I/DEBUG (18428): 818f9600 447b6802 d1042a01 58584905 f7ff1c21

I/DEBUG (18428): 818f9610 6820ffd1 ffe2f7ff 46c0bd10 003a7132

I/DEBUG (18428):

I/DEBUG (18428): code around lr:

I/DEBUG (18428): 81a9fd98 1c20ffeb faa4f630 30081c28 fc28f659

I/DEBUG (18428): 81a9fda8 f5fc1d28 1c28fa7b 46c0bd70 6841b570

I/DEBUG (18428): 81a9fdb8 008e6803 1c1d199e d01c42b3 2a00681a

I/DEBUG (18428):

I/DEBUG (18428): stack:

I/DEBUG (18428): 470c4b20 00000003

I/DEBUG (18428): 470c4b24 afe3ba70

I/DEBUG (18428): 470c4b28 44db3008

I/DEBUG (18428): 470c4b2c c0000000

I/DEBUG (18428): 470c4b30 afe3bc28

I/DEBUG (18428): 470c4b34 afe0f2bc /system/lib/libc.so

I/DEBUG (18428): 470c4b38 00000000

I/DEBUG (18428): 470c4b3c afe0f1d4 /system/lib/libc.so

I/DEBUG (18428): 470c4b40 afe3ba70

I/DEBUG (18428): 470c4b44 000001b8

I/DEBUG (18428): 470c4b48 00002be8

I/DEBUG (18428): 470c4b4c 000000dc

I/DEBUG (18428): 470c4b50 470c4da0

I/DEBUG (18428): 470c4b54 afe0b4ff /system/lib/libc.so

I/DEBUG (18428): 470c4b58 df002777

I/DEBUG (18428): 470c4b5c e3a070ad

I/DEBUG (18428): #00 470c4b60 00000000

I/DEBUG (18428): 470c4b64 81a9fda9 /system/lib/libwebcore.so

I/DEBUG (18428): #01 470c4b68 00280003 [heap]

I/DEBUG (18428): 470c4b6c 80000000 /system/lib/libicudata.so

I/DEBUG (18428): 470c4b70 003b3b10 [heap]

I/DEBUG (18428): 470c4b74 81a9fd9b /system/lib/libwebcore.so

I/ActivityManager( 1092): Process com.android.browser (pid 21765) has died.

I/WindowManager( 1092): WIN DEATH: Window{45022a00 com.android.browser/com.android.browser.BrowserActivity paused=false}

I/WindowManager( 1092): WIN DEATH: Window{450a7338 SubPanel:com.android.browser/com.android.browser.BrowserActivity paused=false}

I/UsageStats( 1092): Unexpected resume of com.fede.launcher while already resumed in com.android.browser

I/DEBUG (18428): debuggerd committing suicide to free the zombie!

D/Zygote ( 923): Process 21765 terminated by signal (11)

W/InputManagerService( 1092): Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid 21765 uid 10014

I/DEBUG (23097): debuggerd: Dec 1 2010 13:57:30
If clockwork recovery is working, do a nandroid backup, and try to replace those libs experimentally with ones from another firmware such as in the Coby MID7015.
I don't know if this is the right place for this question but: does anyone have the battery draining problem? and any solution for it?
Look at the link above, there you can download the original firmware for it

Edit: File is deleted, sorry ferdi7650 I didn't see it.
I had luck to get it before.... I uploaded it again


Hello Saschab, I really need this file to restore my pc. All the links I have seen on this thread are no longer operational. Can you please reupload this file or give me a link that this file can be downloaded from.
I really need your help.