S7 phone with AT&T?

I used Z4. I just tried a reroot and still same issue. Whats wierd is that I was able to move the original WPA file out of the bin folder , no problem. It just will not let me install a new file into the bin. I tried installing the original WPA back into the bin , no go. I just installed droid explorer for windows ( awesome program by the way ) and tried using the comp but no go there either. I tried dragging the file into the bin folder but nothing happens. I rechecked permissions and I have full R/W enabled. Must still be a root problem, I can copy and paste into any of my SD card folders just not the root folders. Going to try a complete unrooting and rerooting. I'll let you know.


EDIT - I tried a clean root and still same problem. Does anyone know the version number of the latest Z4root? I'm running 1.3.0

Might try the universal root just to see what happens..

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OK what did you use to edit the file

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I downloaded the pre edited wpa_supplicant file. The file size is 305 kb. I still have the original file but cannot copy that one back into the bin folder either. I have superuser access plus setcpu is working so I have root. Maybe just not full root.
Tried universal androot but it failed to root at all. Tried 2 different versions. I found an older version of z4root ( 1.1.0 ) but it's a zip not an apk. I'm going to play around some tomorrow. I'm learning alot about android, it's forums like this that make it possible.

ok i think i may have figured out the issue with copying the wpa_supplicant file. not sure if rootexplorer way will work but i downloaded the busybox installer and installed busy box and then used the terminal emulator to copy the wpa_supplicant file from my sdcard to sysyem/bin and i now can connect to ad hoc networks.
Merry X-Mas morning everyone. I finally got root explorer to let me over write the WPA file. I'm not sure what I did different but I just started from scratch and everything worked. I still cannot see my phones SSID though. I'll be doing some more research today, in between family stuff, and try and figure this tethering out. I don't necessarily need to be tethered but now it's a matter of pride. I'm not going to let technology beat me down. :p

EDIT - OK, i figured out that the downloaded wpa_supplicant file actually disabled my wi-fi on the S7. Tried rebooting twice. Wi-Fi settings are unclickable except for turn on wi-fi which gives me an error message " cannot turn wi-fi on ". There are no SSID's being listed in the settings window. I thought i read somewhere about editing the original wpa file myself and installing it instead of using the downloaded one. I'll see if i can find that post again and try that. I'll let everyone know in case some else is having the same problems

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You no longer need the username and password with AT&T. I have had issues with other devices when providing this info. Leave the username and password blank and see if that works.
Oh yea, I've been hitting the save button every time but only rarely was the AT&T APN name there when I would go back to check. Now it's there with the name and is selected (Green).

Have you changed physical location by any chance?

I've been having weird problems with my S7 - AT&T 3G works perfectly anywhere near where I live, which happens to be the physical area associated with my account's area code (607 - includes Binghamton, NY and Ithaca, NY). Doing the "network search" function shows AT&T 3G, AT&T 2G, and T-Mobile 2G.

Any time I leave the "footprint" of the 607 area code, the S7 can no longer find ANY networks when my AT&T SIM is installed - it times out. Tested areas include Clarks Summit, PA, many locations along the route from Farmingdale, NY (Long Island) back to Bing, and Bridgewater, NJ.

If I remove the AT&T SIM in any of the areas listed above where it fails with my SIM installed, it can find the three networks listed above.

One thing I have observed is that when the unit is failing to connect to any networks, it will NOT let you save APN info - you save it, and it doesn't appear there.

The SIM works perfectly (Voice and data) when installed in my normal phone (AT&T/HTC Tilt 2 running Windows Mobile 6.5). It is a contract SIM, not prepaid, with an unlimited data plan.
jammyman9 said:
Christmas give me a such a wonderful Gift because I was Save My $60 from Airtel .company on the purchase of Nokia E63. with Head phone $19 , which includes A massive $175 Flexible Credit every recharge for standard local and international calls + $125 Airtel to Airtel Credit

Hi friends...i am facing exactly the same problem. Can't copy wpa-supplicant back into system/bin.
Ives, could you share how you finally managed to solve the problem? I've tried Z4root 1.30 with Root Explorer; and also Droid Explorer...but they didn't work.

Could someone share the WPA file that works? Appreciate any help. Thanks.
Hi friends...i am facing exactly the same problem. Can't copy wpa-supplicant back into system/bin.
Ives, could you share how you finally managed to solve the problem? I've tried Z4root 1.30 with Root Explorer; and also Droid Explorer...but they didn't work.

Could someone share the WPA file that works? Appreciate any help. Thanks.

** MAKE SURE your S7 is ROOTED otherwise it wont work **

If your s7 is rooted, you need to 'BUY' an app from the market called 'ROOT EXPLORER' , or if its one time use, you may DOWNLOAD it,

Once you have Downloaded 'Root explorer', you will need the WPA file, which you get get here and copy to your SD card,

Now that you have 'root explorer' installed, and your WPA on your SD card, either internal or external, doesnt matter, start ROOT EXPLORER, and if you are rooted it will ask you for 'SUPER USER' permission, make sure you select 'ALLOW'

Now that you've allowed the 'super user' permission to the 'root explorer' and you have it open, select the WPA file and COPY IT, then go to "/system/bin" and PASTE the copied file,

*make sure that your permission is set to R/I (you will see a botton next to /system/bin ), to be able to paste it, otherwise it will tell you that you dont have the permission*

*make sure you back up your original WPA file, by doing the same process, COPY go to your location, PASTE*

Then simply paste the NEW WPA file, wich will over write the old one,

Reboot and you are all set,

PS. you can pm me by simply clicking on my screen name, then select Personal Message.

if you need more help, i can give you my google talk, and we can chat,
I seem to have a hard time getting and thing to make the system RW. No matter what program I used it would not make the system directory rw so here is what I did..

Make sure you have busybox installed
Mount the internal sd card
copy the WPA_supplicant file on the SD card (internal)
now use the terninal in Droid explorer
type SU
you will see the #
now type

mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system

then type

CP /sdcard/wpa_supplicant /system/bin

type reboot

Now it should work

this is how I had to do it
I didn't really need this but I tried from scratch and the method described by gurduiala worked perfectly.
My older phone I tried it with doesn't have hot spot tethering so I installed joikuspot (Nokia E71) and now I do.
There may be issues with certain ROM installs????
Thank you so much for this info, I now have all the bars to show logins connection. ? When I try to make a call it ends immediately. Can you help. Thanks Ladyorr, whtlexus@yahoo.com. Please write back ASAP this is the most help I've gotten sense 2days when I got this thing BB Huawei AT&T nobody new.