S7 showing "HUAWEI S7" screen and hung forever with no responding


Feb 27, 2011
I bought this last week from BB and I didn't do any mod yet. I turned it off (push the top right button and choose third option to power off) this morning but seeing it showing starting screen "HUAWEI S7" by itself this afternoon and just hung there(normally I will see turning circle after HUAWEI S7 screen if I turn on device). It doesn't response to anything like power off key and any other "home/menu/back" keys on device. I didn't find any reset hole with this device like other GPS devices. The last thing I can try is remove the battery but I read the posts and someone mentioned it may cause the issue. Leaving S7 in the hung screen will eventually drain all battery. Can someone offer advice please? Thanks.
Combo for a full factory reset via key combinations is 'Menu+Send Call+Power'.
Try charging the battery - if it's flat that's all you may get.

It's possible you have a duff charger

Pete, on the move...
please keep in mind that is not a gps device dont treat it as such
it does gps also but it a more complex useful and more fragile device
battery are 80% charged so you must full charge it on first use
sometimes my S7 does not power down it just looks like it did but then Huaway S7 appears and stays there doing nothing
i have to remove the battery.
I had similar problem that started a couple of weeks ago. I also began having issues with the battery draining very fast and the device would shut off and start up on its own. I uninstalled most of the apps I had added thinking one of them might have been causing the problem but it kept happening. I discovered that either the battery compartment is slightly oversized or the battery contacts on the device are weak so the battery was not making good contact all of the time. I placed two small, thin peices of cardboard behind the battery as "spacers" and haven't had any more issues. Hopefully I'll think of a better and more permanant solution as my spacers fall out whenever I remove the battery to install or remove the sim card.

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I can now pretty consistent to replicate the issue. I choose to either let screen off(not power off) or push power botton once. Normally if i press menu or home butons, s7 will wake up but mine sometimes has no response. Then i randomly press bottons but after a while s7 will show the hung screen. I will try to reset to see if issue can be solved. I will keep your guys updated and i appreciate all help here.

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I just replicate the issue again. I let screen off again but this time i press home and menu the issue"huawei s7" screen shon and s7 is hung again. The pattrn is this will happen after screen off and when you try to wake up the device.

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After reset it seems much better since I only got once after reset. I hope the next firmware update can solve my problem. Thanks.
It sounds like your device may be defective. Why don't you just walk into a BestBuy for an exchange?
it can be defective
can you get into adb and get the logcat of the device to pastebin for us to read
do you install anything on it?
what model is it?
Hi I have the same problem, restarted unexpectedly, and then fail to start, with my s7-104 purchased from best buy, but I'm in another country, if you have any news on the settlement and comment it does the same, thank you very much
Just started having this problem... was looping at boot, but now just gets to the "ideos" screen and hangs forever... tried to reflash but nothing... this is a BB S7....W.T.F?