Samsung Galaxy SII Press Event Now Moved to Tonight at 6PM


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

Just as we thought might happen, because of hurricane Irene, the Samsung Press event in NYC to herald the launch of the Galaxy SII phones in the U.S. was postponed. It will now be tonight instead of last night. Furthermore, our flight to NYC was cancelled because of the hurricane, so we won't be there Live! at the event as we had intended. However, our great staff will still be covering any news that comes out of the event tonight.

One of the primary things we are expecting to be announced is of course the official launch of the various versions of the SGS2 here in the States. Verizon may be "bowing out" in order to focus on the Samsung Nexus/Droid Prime, but of course the other three carriers will release their variants of the phone. We already have an idea of the names of these devices:
  • Sprint = Samsung Epic Touch 4G
  • AT&T = Samsung Attain
  • T-Mobile = Samsung Hercules
We will keep you informed after the event.