Samsung Galaxy Tabs/Phones Clipboard Bug/Crash Problem


Senior Member
Aug 20, 2011
I searched on this here, and was surprised to see no mention of it.

There's a bug in Samsung's clipboard code that, near as anybody can tell, affects everything running ICS, and perhaps even JB. When it strikes, and it seems to be a question of when, rather than if, your cut/copy/paste will either simply stop working or will crash applications. (For me it crashed Chrome and Dolphin, simply didn't work with the stock Android browser.)

Only solutions are to either root your phone/tablet (voiding the warranty and running the risk of bricking it) or doing a factory reset.

It's all over the forums, elsewhere:
Galaxy S3 crashing when copying text to clipboard
Can't copy paste HELLP
samsung galaxy s3 copy and paste problem
Issue 35732: Clipboard Crash
Clipboard crashes on Android 3.0+ Samsung devices

That last one is Samsung's own developer forum, where a Samsung dev team member has been promising since the beginning of November that
This bug was reported and I think that it will be resolved soon. At this moment there is no way to solve this problem without factory reset.

Right now I'm disinclined to hold my breath. I think my Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 is going back to Costco tomorrow.


P.S.: And, yes: I'm annoyed.
I just sent the following to the Office of the President, Samsung Electronics America:

Dear Samsung,

Just prior to the U.S. Thanksgiving Day holiday my wife and I purchased a pair of Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 tablets. After about two weeks the "copy and paste" functionality stopped working on mine.

I discovered the problem is due to a flaw in code produced by Samsung's developers. I also found that your development team had been made aware of this problem at least as early as August.

This flaw in Samsung's custom clipboard code is present in *every* Samsung mobile device running Android Ice Cream Sandwich or Jelly Bean. When the bug hits it results in anything from losing the ability to copy and paste, to crashing applications, to crashing the entire device. The only way to "fix" the device is to either reset it to factory defaults or "root" it.

This problem is all over the Internet. Here are URLs to just some of the discussions:

Galaxy S3 crashing when copying text to clipboard - Android Forums
Can't copy paste HELLP
samsung galaxy s3 copy and paste problem - xda-developers
Issue 35732 - android - Clipboard Crash - Android - An Open Handset Alliance Project - Google Project Hosting
Forum | SAMSUNG Developers

There is more. Just enter "Samsung clipboard crash" or "android.sec.clipboard.clipboardexmanager" into any search engine.

I tried to bring this to Samsung's attention via the normal customer service channels. (See customer service ticket numbers 51047xxxxx and 51047xxxxx). That effort proved futile. (Note: Of the three times I was promised a call back within 24-48 hours, not once was that promise kept.)

Given the nature and scope of this problem, I would've hoped that Samsung would have put a priority on getting it fixed. To say I am disappointed in Samsung's handling of this would be an understatement.

In the process of following this issue I also discovered the "Superbrick Nightmare" and the web-page-triggered factory reset bug. Recently the Exynos processor root vulnerability was announced. Perusing your mobile development forum, I now see complaints by some that, on some Samsung mobile devices, a recent Jelly Bean update kills screen capture functionality, and perhaps creates other problems.

In my opinion this is an astoundingly poor showing on the part of your mobile products' development team(s), and, taken together, these incidents paint a picture of poor software quality and thoroughly ineffective, if not entirely absent, software quality control.

I would urge Samsung to look into this, and take steps to correct the problem.

In the meantime: If Samsung does not address these problems quickly, I will return my tablet to the store and purchase something else--from another manufacturer.

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Well, after waiting a full business week: No reply from "Office of the President." So I did a bit more digging.

It turns out Samsung's "Office of the President" is nothing more than yet another customer support escalation. And it turns out that "Office of the President" has every bit the reputation of the rest of Samsung's customer "service": Abysmally bad.

The poor young lady answering the phone at Samsung Electronics America's corporate headquarters, when I tried pressing her for a contact at Samsung for somebody that might actually care, seemed nearly in tears. And I was being really nice to her. She indicated she gets abuse day in, day out from irate customers who are angry with Samsung.

She offered to transfer me to the "Office of the President," but warned me they're so busy they almost never answer the phones. Sure enough: After being on hold for about five minutes (guessing--I didn't time it), I got voicemail.

Given Samsung's track record for returning calls (0 for 4): I simply hung up.

The moral here is: Don't ever buy any Samsung product, of any kind, unless the seller has a liberal return policy, because you certainly cannot rely on Samsung's customer "service" for anything. Samsung has apparently grown so big they feel they don't have to care about their customers.

I'm now researching alternative products. I'm thinking Asus.

I'm thinking I'm unlikely to ever buy another Samsung product, of any kind or for any purpose, ever again.

Although I have heard of these problems I don't personally know anyone it has affected. With my Note 10.1 I use the clipboard constantly, and in fact the side by side multitasking is of course dependant on it for sharing information between apps. I guess what I'm saying is, FOR ME, I'm just not overly concerned. I've used Samsung products, including phones in the past and tablets since the original 7" Galaxy Tab and I've personally never had a fatal crash. In fact I can say the Note 10.1 is the most stable tablet I've owned, and I've owned a lot of different brands.
Don't get me wrong, I take nothing for granted and I still believe the only serious computer problem is a back up problem.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1
Samsung's developers' incompetence and Samsung's disregard for its customers confirmed: Took five days for the Samsung clipboard crash bug to re-strike my Galaxy Tab 2 10.1, following the Jelly Bean 4.1.1 update last Friday. As the others running 4.1.1 have reported: The new behaviour is to crash the tablet.

My tablet's going back to Costco.

I'm buying something else. Something not made by Samsung.

I doubt I'll ever consider another Samsung mobile product ever again.

Thats too bad, I've had such positive experiences with all my Samsung devices, but since you are commited to looking elsewhere I would take a serious look at the Asus Infinity or if that is a little spendy then the Acer A700. Both great tablets.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1
Thats too bad,
Eh. It's probably just as well. The thing finally screwing-up again was almost a relief. Kind of like the other shoe dropping.

After I got bit by the Samsung clipboard crash bug and

  • Found out Samsung's developers had known about it for at least three (3) months prior to my getting nailed by it,
  • Found out about the numerous other Samsung-developer-created disasters, such as the "Superbrick nightmare" and "web page factory reset bug",
  • Experienced Samsung's absolutely abysmal customer "service",
  • And the Samsung Exynos root exploit appeared

I had no faith or confidence in Samsung or the tablet, anymore, anyway. If the clipboard crash bug had failed to bite before my return window had closed, I would've forever been waiting for it to finally show up again, or for Samsung's developers' next bit of creativity to rear its ugly head.

... since you are commited to looking elsewhere
"Committed" doesn't begin to describe it ;). Let me be clear: Samsung has so-badly screwed the pooch by me that I'm unlikely to ever buy another Samsung product of any type ever again. This despite the fact that we're thoroughly satisfied with our Samsung flat-screen LCD TV.

Anybody can make mistakes. But Samsung's developers make them repeatedly, Samsung fails to correct what is obviously a problem in that area and their customer service is execrable. I will not reward that kind of behaviour with my custom.

I would take a serious look at the Asus Infinity or if that is a little spendy then the Acer A700. Both great tablets.
Thanks for the suggestions, but I've been eyeballing the tablet market for months. Truth be told: There's currently nothing out there that interests me--at least not anything in my price range. Yes: The TF700 is too expensive for me. The TF300 is a possibility. I'll re-look at the A700, but I'm pretty sure I looked it it before.

To be honest: After my recent experience with the Samsung tablet, I'm disinclined to buy from anywhere other than Costco and I'm disinclined to buy anything from anybody who, like Samsung, mangles Android. So right now I think I'll wait to see if Vizio actually comes out with the 10" tablet they demoed at CES and if Costco ends up carrying it. Vizio says their tablets are going to be essentially vanilla Jelly Bean, Vizio's customer support is terrific, and I'll have Costco's excellent customer service as a backstop.

Otherwise I'll stick with my tried-and-true Vizio VTAB1008.

Wow, you seem to be seriously scarred by your experience. I could probably rant in a similar manner about my new windows 8 laptop, but its not so bad I'm going to rush out amd buy a Mac Book or anything, and I can always dual boot Linux I guess.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1
Wow, you seem to be seriously scarred by your experience.
Okay, "scarred" might be one way to look at it :). I think of it more as seriously annoyed.

I've never been very tolerant of substandard product quality. That's why in tools and computer stuff, for example, I rarely buy "consumer grade" stuff. Life's too short and my money too dear. But when it comes to software I have even less tolerance. I used to be a senior software designer. I regard poor software quality as down-right offensive. And that's all this is: Poor software quality.

The real shame is that Samsung's hardware seems good. And the software, they could fix. So why subject their customers to this kind of grief? Only answers I can come up with are answers like "Because we can get away with it" and "Because we don't feel we have to care."

I could probably rant in a similar manner about my new windows 8 laptop, but its not so bad I'm going to rush out amd buy a Mac Book or anything, and I can always dual boot Linux I guess.
Ah, see: I don't use Windows for anything other than to support others who do. (See "poor software quality," above.) Don't like Windows and never have. Nearly every time I'm obliged to use it, I'm reminded anew of why I avoid it.

Not an Apple fan, either, but that's where I'd turn if I couldn't run Linux.

Not sure where Apple is now, but it seems to me OSX was just a custom xwindows running on top of bsd unix. So a very expensive (and extremely well designed and built) Linux box.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1
Not sure where Apple is now, but it seems to me OSX was just a custom xwindows running on top of bsd unix.
It was a UI derived from NeXTSTEP's, I believe, and a Mach kernel (which was derived from *BSD). I haven't kept track of it, either.

So a very expensive (and extremely well designed and built) Linux box.
Nope. Linux != Unix, particularly not BSD Unix.

Linux was written from scratch, mostly emulating AT&T SysV Unix, with some BSD-isms.

Right, I always kind of threw them together as open source alternatives to the costly Unix systems. At least I think bsd was open source.

Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1