Samsung's Next-gen Galaxy Pro Tablet Series Hitting the Streets on February 13th


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

The full lineup of Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro and Note Pro series tablets will soon be hitting online and retail store shelves. Samsung is pricing these at the high-end to match the higher-end specs.

Here's the breakdown,

  • Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4: $399.99 (16GB)
  • Galaxy Tab Pro 10.1: $499.99 (16GB)
  • Galaxy Tab Pro 12.2: $649.99 (32GB)
  • Galaxy Note Pro 12.2: $749.99 (32GB) and $849.99 (64GB)
Earlier we shared that the Note Pro 12.2 was already up for preorder at Staples. You can find more of those details here.

From seeing these prices, it looks like...

Continue Reading @: Samsung's Newest Galaxy Pro Tablets Coming to Retail Starting February 13th
I am holding out for the LTE model of the 12.2 thru VZW - which is reported possibly late this quarter (I hope that is correct or I might not make the wait) LOL...
Like the Android operating system but hate all the customizations/bloat/crapware that Sammy crams into it? I prefer the LG G Pad 8.3 Google Play Edition which is a standard LG G Pad 8.3, but with all the trimmings deleted and a stock version of Android 4.4 "KitKat" loaded onto it instead. The result is a solid, well-made tablet that's available for only $350.
My only real decision is whether to go with the Tab Pro or Note Pro 12.2. I love drawing and I need something to write on during meetings, but I'm not sure if I need it for an extra $100 (well, $200 because I'd go 64GB). I use my A700 daily and type in my meeting notes, so I'm used to not having a stylus....But dang, it would be nice.