Screen keeps turning off

I solved the problem with this app :, by keeping the backligth ON.
thanks so much this was the perfect app to keep the backlight on, also another thing I observed was that the cpu of the tablet was still on screen and capable of being used if we could see without the backlight but since we cant it looks as though the screen shut off, and after I installed this backlight program I didnt have the issue with the backlight going off during use anymore. tahnk you very much as I like the tablet and that seemed to be the only thing ti arise that needed to be addressed
The screen turning off issue started happening to my tablet a few months after I got it and I was so frustrated that I stopped using it. It was occuring so randomly that I knew if I take it in to Sony it would probably work perfectly for them. Just recently I decided to give my tablet another chance thinking maybe it had somehow fixed itself after months of hibernation...but no, it was definitely still happening and was getting more serious. The screen would blackout after a minute and then down to seconds and it was impossible to even use it to search for an answer. I had to use my laptop and came to this thread where I have found my answer to my problem! Thanks Chris (kz121) I manually lowered my brightness slightly and the problem has disappeared! I'm so happy to be able to use my tablet again! Thank you!