Screen turning off and on when asleep?

I've read on page four of the "System Update" thread on this forum that Acer knows about the screen bug and is releasing an update to fix the issue. Currently, however, the update seems to only be for italy, grace, and a couple other countries. I live in the US, so I don't have the update yet. Hopefully when the update becomes available for all or we simp,y get the full Honeycomb 3.1 update (which I read we're getting by next month) then the whole screen turning on and off will be a funny story to reminisce about.
I have the same problem, but I'm sure this will be fixed in the 3.1 update, or maybe even before that.

hello, i'm an acer executive, i've the same problem with my A500, fowarded the problem to technical support, their answer is that it is a soft problem and it will be solved with an update during june, so just be patient :)
I guess there is no solution to this issue as of now because the wifi is going to react to any possible signal and I guess the better option is to keep the unit's wifi disabled till the time you are not working on it.
I got an update a few days ago. That fixed this issue and brought exchange support. It was a good update. :)