Semi Bricked Generic Flytouch NAND Mistake Help reflashing please


Jun 4, 2012
I bought two of these tablets knowing they would need a custom firmware to get the best out of them.

I tried multiple firmwares with no sucess

I then stupidly tried flashing with M003T_WMT2.1.2_88_NAND_BOOT_20110324-HcH which loaded up fine but the touch screen doesnt work

Which has changed the tablets NAND and i can no longer reflash the original firmwares.

Basically i was wondering if there is a firmware i can use to reflash the nand back to factory.

The tablet is a generic flytouch with red/green led VIB , black audio socket ethernet/usb adapter 7"
Supposed 533mhz
256mb ram
2gb internal
came with android 1.6 build 2.1.2_88

its branded pioneer dreambook.

I went into the purchase with little care i was aware what i was getting into and the few dollars loss will be nothing, but if i can recover it obviosly i would like to.

Kinda hoping Tipstir or another dev would have a fix ifnot alls good.

You put this in the wrong place...

Look under FOREIGN for the GOME/Flytouch section...
Pretty sure you'll find some help there! :D