Seperate Charger for the 7015.

Apr 28, 2011
Hey everyone, I have a charger from an old cellphone. The jack on it is just a little bigger than the one on the stock charger for the kyros but if fits in the port just fine.
I am not really good with voltages and that stuff so i was wondering if someone was, could they help me out.
The specs of it are:
INPUT: 120VAC, 60Hz, 5.5W
OUTPUT: 4VDC, 200mA.
And the little diagram that specifies which side is the + and - is same as the one on the original charger.

If this wont work, i plan on splicing the head from the charger, and using it as a USB charger. Anyone out there with good electronics knowledge, please help me out!

EDIT: I found the phone and plugged the original charger into it, and it started charging. Then i plugged the Kyros charger into it, and it again started charging.
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