Set CPU...did I set it rigfht?


Alternate ATF App Tester
Jan 13, 2011
I did follow Rico's instructions but I didn't get such a major improvment in the life of my battery as other members claim, Here is how I set it:
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Gloria, you want greater battery life over performance correct? I'll set up a profile for you that should hopefully give you good battery life but still allow some performance.

You can check out this post here for general istructions:

I believe you have not flashed an overclocked kernel so this will be based on the regular processor settings (800MHz Max and 300MHz Min).

Main Tab:
Max slider should be all the way to the right (800MHz)
Min slider should be all the way to the left (300MHz)
Scaling should be "conservative"
Set on Boot sould be checked

Profiles Tab:
Enable should be checked. Notifications *preference*
Create Profiles-
Screen Off - Max 300MHz, Min 300MHz; Scaling "conservative"; Priority 98
Charging/Full - Max 800MHz , Min 300MHz; Scaling "conservative"; Priority 95
Battery<50% - Battery 50%; Max 600MHz, Min 300MHz; Scaling "conservative"; Priority 90

Advanced Tab:
Sampling Rate - 300000
Up Thershold - 90 (bumps to the next higher frequency when CPU use exceeds 90% on current frequency)
Down Threshold - 50 (bumps to the next lower frequency when CPU use drops below 50% on current frequency)
Ignore Nice Load - 0
Freq Step - 5
Set on Boot sould be checked

This should keep you in the 300-600MHz processor speed most of the time. When your battery is greater than 50% full you will also jump up to 800MHz as needed.

You can check how much time is being spent in each state by going to the Info tab and then looking about half way down the screen. It says "Time in State" and lists how long it has been in each frequency. Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

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Thank you....I'll set right now and I'll let you know

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I set it, good instructions, that's how Ilike it. I 'll let. You know hopefully in 8 or 9 hours!

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Something told me to reboot! I probably remember from last time. So I've been 3 hours on my nook and my battery is at 60%. So I guess it's going to last around 7 hours. I Was already at 93% when I started. the experiment. I had this kind of result even with the setting I had before and a clean nook from stuff using up the battery. I justice uninstalled a lot of stuff now. I thing is already better, probably one hour better.But I keep you informed the next few days. Thank you J...P


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The biggest power eater you did from you pictures was the up threshold at 35%. As JP said you should have it at 85-95%. Think of up threshold as percentage of cpu demand. At 35% you were telling the app to set the cpu at full 800mhz whenever the Nook sees a 35% or higher cpu load or demand. Since 35% is so low, having only 1 app open along with the android system itself, you most likely were always over that 35% so your cpu would be told to run at 800mhz most of the time. This would drain your battery faster than normal, even faster than if you were not running the setcpu app at all.

Also profile "priorities" tell the app which profile is more important than the others. The higher the priority number the higher the importance. Setting screen off is always most important since screen off or sleep is what your device will do the most.
Thank you Rico, yesterday my battery run for only 3or 4, hours. I was miserable!
So I've been 3 hours on my nook and my battery is at 60%. So I guess it's going to last around 7 hours.

Also, don't forget with the settings above your processor will "slow down" when you get below 50% so that will make the second half of your charge last longer than the first.

I got 7hours use out of my battery, only internet, no reading today. It should last longer when one reads, shouldn 't it? I can wait for the overclocking....I just have to remember to take the charger with me, I found a lot of Starbucks and restaurants with outlets outside.
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You should get a little better battery life if you are just reading particualrly if you turn the wifi off while reading. Seven hours of use isn't too bad and is definately better than 3-4.

If you feel like the performance was satisfactory when you got below 50% charge and you still want to try for more battery life you can try changing the "Battery<50%" profile from 50% to something like 65%.

WhenI went below 50%,I got almost one hour more than in the first half. I did already change the profile to 65%....,let'see.
You know everything I remember you helping me since I rooted. You should be a mod, you are good and everywhere !

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Thank you Gloria, I have been here since the beginning but I don't know anywhere close to everything. I try to be helpful when I can since this is such a great forum. We are lucky to have a bunch of very good moderators at the moment, so I just enjoy being a "Senior Member" and reading as much as I can.