set-up questions for Nexus 7


Senior Member
Mar 17, 2013
I'm getting a Nexus 7 next week, my first delving into the tablet world.

I was just reading some suggestions for setting up the N7 when I first get it, and I have some questions:

I have a Google user name and password, but I've never gotten a gmail address; will I be able to back up my device (as recommended) to my Google account, or do I even have one at this point?

Do I have the option to back up to my PC laptop instead of the the Google 'cloud'? This is similar to what I now do with my iPad, and it's the only way to get my music and other content onto the device--not sure if N7 is similar in this way.

(FYI: I don't really want a gmail account if my Google name and password will work.)

I'd like to be able to read my emails (account set up with my ISP); the set-up instructions say that to set up my email, I should open up the Gmail app and configure from there, but will this work for reading my non-gmail email (say that three times really fast)? Or would it be best to download another email app for this?

Finally, I assume that I can download apps and other content such as music and books, directly to my N7, and don't have to go thru my PC for this--is that correct?

Thanks, David.
Hi David,

Welcome to the forum. I'm a Nexus Newbie too. Had mine for about a month now. Not really sure how to answer most of your questions because I don't have the answers. But I would recommend attempting to log into Google with the name and password that you have now. It may end up that you have an email account with that user name. I don't's just a hunch. But it's worth trying.

You can use browsers on the Nexus like on a computer. It may be formatted for the tablet, but it should work. I have a Verizon email account I access using a browser window on my Nexus.

I have downloaded a few items onto my Nexus. It goes to the "Download" folder. You might want to download a file manager app from Google Play to access your download folder. I'm still new enough that I am trying different apps until I find what works for me.

I hope this helps a little bit.


Hi David and welcome. Your Google user name IS your email address, go to Gmail to confirm that. You'll have to register your Nexus 7 but the benefit of that is that you can go to on any Laptop or PC and push apps directly to your tablet via the wireless connection through your internet modem (If it HAS wireless)
I recomend you install Chrome as your main browser but you should try Firefox and Dolphin Browser which will play flash files with the accompanied plugin.
You can use the USB cable that comes for PC access, treating the Nexus 7 like a portable hard drive but be careful where you put media files. Astro File manager is highly recommended.
If you want to check a Forum called Nexus 7 / Nexus 10 Forum, it has everything you need to know about Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 you ever needed to know. (and more)
I think you will love your new Nexus 7!
A last small tip to save battery, put the tablet in Plane Mode, that will turn off/on wireless easily, saving you having to go into settings each time. Swipe down top right of the screen reveals the menu.