Shop and Library not syncing, not working, not loading "unexpected error"


Mar 16, 2011
I just finished wiping and rerooting on 1.3 per this thread

I had opened my library just to do a quick look to see it loaded and had my books and it did. Never really looked closely or tried the shop (my fault for not doing so right away). Now when trying to open the Shop, it just hangs on loading forever. When I open my library I have my books there, but noticed one was listed as a sample that I actually purchased. When I click the sync button it pops up error stating an unexpected error has occurred. I get same error when I try and load/read any other books as well.

In my research I heard that it may help to finish the registration by selecting the 2nd wireless settings option (2nd out of 3) from the all settings section of nook color tools. However, this drops me into the final step of the BN registration/setup process and it pops up error stating it could not verify my credit card account and to go to and update it. I did that and confirmed my card info is good, but did save it again just to make sure. Same problem on my NC.

I think what may have happened is used Titanium Backup to restore everything after rooting on 1.3 (manual nooter - again seen other thread I mentioned above) and since I sort of accidentally selected it to restore everything it overwrote the shop and library apps which most likely screwed me up. I think I may need to start over, which isn't a huge deal, but thought I would post this to see if anyone else had same issue, and to make sure folks understood that restoring all apps may not be good idea with TiBu, and just do user or missing apps instead.

I'll wait until tomorrow to wipe and start over, so if anyone has any other thoughts to try, let me know. I was thinking that if I could force my way back to the original BN registration/setup step and go through it all the way, that may work, but don't know how to get there.

I must say though, having to start over is really not a bad thing with a NC, which is why it is such a kickass tablet. It is so easy to do it, and having done it a few times now is even easier... and you learn something new each time :cool:
Surf, have you tired just wiping the cache of the B&N app and letting it sync? Unlike an app like Angry Birds, the B&N app actually syncs to the cloud. You don't have to restore the data of the app, just let it sync with B&N and all your books will appear just as they would on a brand new divce with the app installed for the first time. You can wipe individual app data through TB.

JP - good thought. I tried that just now and same problems. I wasn't sure what BN apps I should do it on so I started with accounts & sync and that didn't help so figured I would go through the lot and wipe data for all those (anything that appeared to be related to BN services, authentication, cloud service, etc, etc,). I then rebooted into recovery, cleared cache and dalvik, and ran fix permissions as well just for the hell of it and tried again....still getting same error and can't sync or connect to Shop. So I'll be looking to wipe and start over and try and keep it clean with restoring only missing or user apps. Thanks.
Surf, I'm in the same boat. Had the boot loop problem (which I think was due to the Adobe files trying to update?), had to restore and build back up using flashable 1.2 and then sideloaded 1.3. Manual nootered and thought all was well. But now, kids can't read their Nook books, which was the whole reason for not just going to CM7! Urgh! Any help would be appreciated. Thinking of just going back to 1.2. Any reason not to do that?
Thanks in advance.
OK, so here's what I've found. It's the Adobe Flash 11 that's screwing things up for the B&N1.3 update, which causes the dreaded boot loop:
[How to reroot after the B&N 1.3 update - Page 13 - xda-developers]

Once this is fixed by not installing the update (using Flash 10), however, 1.3 has a limited Market and won't play the B&N "read to me" books for the kids. Ironically, it will allow me to shop and purchase books/magazines under Nook Home.

Going back to B&N1.2 and the older version of Flash, the already downloaded "read to me" books work fine, but this version won't let you browse or shop for more kids books.

Dilemma dilemma....

B&N 1.3: limited Market, allows purchases through B&N Nook shopping, cannot play "read to me" books
B&N 1.2: full Market, cannot browse B&N Nook shopping but can play "read to me books" that have already been downloaded
Option 3: Run unrooted 1.2 or 1.3 on the internal memory of the Nook so Read To Me works and use a bootable SD to run CM7 for all your tablety goodness. This should get you by until a better solution is found if you really need to have both right now.

DOH! :eek: Forgot about that option. I had tried this a few months ago and really liked the CM7 ROM. I went away from that because at the time I didn't like the way I had to transfer media files (mostly videos). I recall that I couldn't just do the USB transfer or copy directly onto the uSD card - couldn't see the folder or something. Is it easier/clearer now? I'll go dig into that thread. Thanks for the tip!
You should be able to transfer files via usb no problem. When running CM7 from the card just plug in the usb and check yes when the "enable USB debugging" prompt pops up. You should then be able to see the available Nook locations come up under My Computer and move files back and forth.