(How-to) Move Books to the Internal Library (root required)

has anyone tried to save the kindle books to one of the folders??

The stock NC reader can't open .mpb (kindle book format), so moving it to the internal library folder would not help. It would be best to convert the mpb to epub or pdf, but at this time, I couldn't tell you how. So far the Kindle app works just fine so for now I'm content on leaving well enough alone.

On the plus side, I'm currently using Calibre to convert all my pdf books to epub for internal NC loading. :)
Given that Astro can modify mime-types, I wonder if there's a way to link the Kindle format (mpb?) to the Kindle reader, so that it launches when Kindle books are opened. But I suspect Kindle books brought into the NC library will just show up as generic files, not books. :(

My original ebook library started out with an enormous variety of formats, so I ended up using Calibre (http://calibre-ebook.com/) to convert everything to epubs. For freeware it's a pretty good program. It even has a neat feature where you can schedule downloads of newspapers and then convert them to epubs and sync by wifi to your device. Of course with a wifi connection on the NC that probably isn't an issue, but for those who commute and read on the NC it might be a nice feature. Then again, you can always try a paid subscription through B&N!

Now that is an idea. hmm :)

Yes you are correct the "NC library" doesn't know what the Kindle (.mpb) books are but.... if we can some how tell it to open the Kindle app from the library, that may be just as good.
Now that is an idea. hmm :)

Yes you are correct the "NC library" doesn't know what the Kindle (.mpb) books are but.... if we can some how tell it to open the Kindle app from the library, that may be just as good.
HEY, but you're the one with the helpful how-to on putting book shortcuts on the Zeam homescreen. It's pretty much the same process with Astro...I assume. ;) Maybe I can download a Kindle book and give it a try!

Well the good news is you can drop mobi books (from anywhere) into the /sdcard/kindle folder, and they will automatically show up in the Kindle app, covers included. :) Looks nice.

BUT FOR SOME STUPID reason--even though books FROM AMAZON are in the mobi format--the Kindle app is not associated with the mobi mime-type. :( So "fixing" it in Astro has no effect...the OS has no way of knowing which app to open. I've researched it a bit, and it looks like (for some reason) Android is designed to give strict control of app-file associations to the app designer. Not sure there's a way for the end-user to create/modify associations.


Where multiple apps are associated with a file type, however, changing the default app is not a problem. I'll have to dig a little deeper.

Anyone know where this bluish gray pic with the small Nook "n" is located? It is used as a default book image.

I have one question I used autonooter 2.12.25 from xda to root my nook, but when I try step (3) I am not able to changed the read (r/w) to (r/o) is there something that I am missing. again thanks for the guide
I have one question I used autonooter 2.12.25 from xda to root my nook, but when I try step (3) I am not able to changed the read (r/w) to (r/o) is there something that I am missing. again thanks for the guide
Hi, and welcome to the forum! Are you using Root Explorer? Both rico2001 and I noticed that sometimes you need to reboot once (or twice) to get Root Explorer to change write permissions. Not sure why, but it usually works.

Two additional methods of moving your books to the NC internal storage (Rooted or non-Rooted)

Method 1 (Manually moving books to your NC)
-Plug you NC up to your PC (you will notice both your internal and SD card will mount and show up in My Computer)


-Open the NC internal storage drive
-Make your way to B&N Downloads > Books
-Copy your ebooks (epub) and/or ebook folder into this directory
-Go to your bottom right corner and safely unmount your NC.


-On your NC, open your library and you should see the books you just moved over to the NC


Method 2 (Using Calibre to load books)
-Download and install Calibre to your pc: calibre - E-book management
-Open Calibre
-Plug you NC up to your PC (you will notice both your internal and SD card will mount and show up in Calibre)


-Press add books
-Locate the ebook(s) (epubs) on your computer's HD you want move to your NC
-Then press open
-Your ebooks will then be loaded to the "My Files" directory on your NC


-Once you are done loading the books you want, press the Nook pic
-Press eject this device (this will unmount both NC internal and sd card)


-On your NC, open your library and "My files"
-You should see the books you just moved over to the NC


-Your "My files" books you just loaded should also show up in books


A side note: I'm still not satisfied with the book cover previews in the library. Looking for a generic cover to use for all my loaded books.
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A side note: I'm still not satisfied with the book cover previews in the library. Looking for a generic cover to use for all my loaded books.
Have you fooled around yet with setting metadata in Calibre? I'm pretty sure if you set a cover there, when you move the book over to the NC it should show up the way you want.

Have you fooled around yet with setting metadata in Calibre? I'm pretty sure if you set a cover there, when you move the book over to the NC it should show up the way you want.


Yes I have but I don't have a good stock pic to use yet. It's a great program for converting, making and moving epubs but it doesn't seem to be a good ebook editor. I'll need to do more research on it and others. And I'm still looking to see what default pic the NC uses in library preview with looks like this:


In Calibre the metatag for this book looks like this:

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Hi, and welcome to the forum! Are you using Root Explorer? Both rico2001 and I noticed that sometimes you need to reboot once (or twice) to get Root Explorer to change write permissions. Not sure why, but it usually works.


Thanks for the quick response i upgraded my copy of Root Explorer and its working fine. Now I just have to figure out how to get the Cover art to display correctly