Should I do OTA update if I intend to use custom rom?


May 10, 2011
Just received a new Nook Color. From what I've read on here and elsewhere, I'm confused on whether to do the OTA update. Here is what I want to do:

1. Install the latest OTA update
2. Back this up for possible later recovery
3. Install a custom rom

Is this even possible? I've read about problems with rooting after installing this update. Or do you recommend that I don't do the OTA update at all?

1. Backup whatever you have out of the box.
2. Update if you want (OTA or side load). It is neither necessary nor harmful. Backup as stated so you have two options for returning to stock.
3. Install the ROM of your choice. A custom ROM will replace everything on your Nook so the stock version does not matter.

If you are rooting then yes there is a difference between the B&N stock ROMs. B&N versions below 1.2 have autonooter available for rooting, while B&N 1.2 only has a manual nooter at the moment. Installing a custom ROM has nothing to do with rooting. Rooting unlocks what is already on the Nook, a custom ROM repalces it entirely.

Thanks very much J515OP. That clarified everything. I was under the mistaken impression that I had to root the nook first before installing the custom ROM. Great! Thanks again!