Should I wait until after Christmas/ the new year to buy a tablet?


Dec 11, 2011
I'm looking at buying an Ainol Novo 8, but I'm just wondering if I should wait until after Christmas or in to the new year to buy one - will they likely drop in price?

Otherwise, are tablet dealers open to bartering or is there usually no room for negotiation?
I started looking last December. I waited until this year's Black Friday sales to buy. If there's nothing on the market that suits your cost:benefit, then wait until after the major electronics shows to see what new models will be revealed. Prepare to pay a pretty penny for the new stuff or compromise and get a really good price on the old stock when it's clearancing.
Hi jsp_1983,

Welcome to the board, glad you could join us. I personally think it's worth waiting to save a few bucks. The tablet I have in my signature has actually jumped in price by 35 bucks because the one seller who had it for 35 less sold all 24 they had in stock, so I figure with Coby putting out their Android 4.0's next quarter it might be worth waiting until then to get the 1125 we've been eye balling because we might want the Ice Cream Sandwich tablet for a little more. So it's up in the air right now. What I did was write down on notebook paper, one page per tablet, all the features it had from it's resolution and expandability to its having GPS or not and HDMI out. You have to weigh the pros of getting it now vs the pros of waiting. There's no guarantee that they will drop prices, so that's always a con, a risk. And the pros I see of buying now is you'd have it NOW. So if you can wait til after Christmas it might end up being cheaper, it might also mean waiting because it's out of stock too. Hard to know. Good topic though, one I've been personally over a lot in my own mind since joining the board here last month. :)
Pam, I know it's a huge undertaking, but would you consider publishing your notes on the tablets you've researched? Perhaps as a Word/OpenOffice document or spreadsheet? That would be an amazing resource to direct people towards and then others could benefit from the research you've already done. Perhaps the community as a whole could help keep it up to date? Or even if we didn't, it could be used to guide people in setting up their own buyer's research?
I would have to transcribe them, I think it would definitely be useful though. I don't know how to make a spread sheet, maybe I can get with my mother on that, she's had a lot of years with those spreadsheet making software programs like Excel and what not. It would be interesting to see it happen. I will see about this next week. Thanks for the suggestion dansamy. :D I will see what I can come up with and post something when I have it ready. :D
Thanks for the welcome :)

I don't mind waiting a few weeks, if it means I might save a few quid (every penny counts!). I also ask because I think Ainol are due to bring out another tablet in a few days, aren't they? So I assume that existing stock inventory might make way for this new one in time for Christmas.

If I buy now, I probably won't get until the new year anyway, with shipping speeds from China to the UK compounded by Christmas - I'm not particularly bothered about getting it straight away.
I waited until the day after Christmas last year to buy my iPod Touch and haven't seen it that cheap since.

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum
Hello dansamy,
I strated to envy you, in my contry there is no Black Fridays. If i have some friends that could buy for me....
The Woot deal of the day today is a Vizio 8"for $160. It is listed as $309 on Amazon.

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum
The thing to bear in mind is that come Jan, Feb time your going to see a slew of quad core tablets coming, they in turn will push down the price of the 2011 tablet. I'd say wait because your money will go further on the quality of product.
Don't import from China there are far too many companies with very subtle advertising promising you the earth.
PM me if you want some good names of UK companies.
The thing to bear in mind is that come Jan, Feb time your going to see a slew of quad core tablets coming, they in turn will push down the price of the 2011 tablet. I'd say wait because your money will go further on the quality of product.
Don't import from China there are far too many companies with very subtle advertising promising you the earth.
PM me if you want some good names of UK companies.

This is what I'm thinking of. The more I read about product launches at the moment, the more I see new tablets being talked about over the next few weeks. I'll probably just wait until January.

I'll drop a PM about UK companies.