so whos the dummie that bought this thing? o'yea it was me!


May 14, 2012
ordered a ARNOVA 8g2 4GB from radio shack, don't hate me! it's just the simplest way. as soon as i got it i started to scan through the screens. and just as fast became lost! now i have been doing computers since 1971 when i got a timex sinclar zx80 from england and had to "BUILD IT". but i got lost on this tablet fast, so i said JUST READ THE MANUAL <ladies note that i am above average of most men> BUT! there is no manual, just that sick little booklet that comes in six other langaues. so the hunt began, and it was a weird trip looking at websites that told me that "AFTER" doing this or that didn't give a clue as how to do that, i came to amazon: and found ) Android Tablets Made Simple ( read the contents pages and wow thats what i whated. so placed order and hope to get it next week.... so goes the adventures in tabletland!:cool:
Or you can check out the link in my signature which has Google's official Android "manuals" :)
Hi Kansasguy, congratulations on your new Arnova and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android tablets. It sounds as though you're enjoying your "adventures in tabletland" despite the setbacks.:eek: Just in case Jimbo and JP haven't given you enough reading to keep you busy, I'd suggest you click this link to the Android Tablet Q&A section. Read the "Sticky:" threads at the beginning for some good general information about tablets and Android. Enjoy your new tablet and the forum!:cool: