[Solved] Coby Kyros 9740 Stuck on CWM

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ok I don't understand what windows is doing with the command insmod /tmp/nand.ko

type it twice, you terminal eg windows isn't sending the command for some reason.

type lsmod
sir here is what happen with lsmod and insmod


~ # busybox cp /sdcard/nand.ko /tmp/nand.ko
busybox cp /sdcard/nand.ko /tmp/nand.ko
~ # chmod 644 /tmp/nand.ko
chmod 644 /tmp/nand.ko
~ # lsmod /tmp/nand.ko
lsmod /tmp/nand.ko
~ # mount -t ext4 /dev/block/nandh /cache
mount -t ext4 /dev/block/nandh /cache
mount: mounting /dev/block/nandh on /cache failed: No such file or directory
~ #

~ # busybox cp /sdcard/nand.ko /tmp/nand.ko
busybox cp /sdcard/nand.ko /tmp/nand.ko
~ # chmod 644 /tmp/nand.ko
chmod 644 /tmp/nand.ko
~ # lsmod /tmp/nand.ko
insmod /tmp/nand.ko
~ # mount -t ext4 /dev/block/nandh /cache
mount -t ext4 /dev/block/nandh /cache
mount: mounting /dev/block/nandh on /cache failed: No such file or directory
~ #

i also try lnsmod but still the same.

there is new
~ # lsmod /tmp/nand.ko
lsmod /tmp/nand.ko
nand 105401 0 - Live 0xbf000000
~ # mount -t ext4 /dev/block/nandh /cache
mount -t ext4 /dev/block/nandh /cache
mount: mounting /dev/block/nandh on /cache failed: No such file or directory
~ #
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You type lsmod not lsmod /tmp/nand.ko

I am not at home now so will be a while before I can do anything else.

lsmod command goes after insmod /tmp/nand.ko
It checks if nand.ko is loaded or not.
I am on sell phone now, I added lsmod in one of above posts so you can see where it should go.
Sent from my SPH-D710 Android Phone
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thanks for the time sir vampirefo. i will wait again for your free time. i am really thankful for your effort to help me. godbless and see you later.

~ # busybox cp /sdcard/nand.ko /tmp/nand.ko
busybox cp /sdcard/nand.ko /tmp/nand.ko
~ # chmod 644 /tmp/nand.ko
chmod 644 /tmp/nand.ko
~ # insmod /tmp/nand.ko
insmod /tmp/nand.ko
~ # lsmod
nand 105401 0 - Live 0xbf000000
~ # mount -t ext4 /dev/block/nandh /cache
mount -t ext4 /dev/block/nandh /cache
mount: mounting /dev/block/nandh on /cache failed: No such file or directory
~ # rm -r /cache/*
rm: can't remove '/cache/*': No such file or directory
~ #

sir, maybe we can get an idea in this but i don't know how he did it http://forum.cyanogenmod.com/topic/6433-solved-messed-up-partitions-on-internal-storage/
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What is happening Coby has added a nand lock, As soon as the user flashing anything, recovery, rom, livesuite image, the nand lock, is activated. beautiful security device, the problem we are having is your nand is now locked, I am able to get passed two locks from info from dumps, but you didn't provide a recovery.img which most likely contains the 3rd lock info.

With this nand lock, nothing can now be flashed as the tablet is locked down, to repair we have to flash the nand, but it's locked down.

With these nand locking tablets no one should flash anything besides root, no recovery, no rom or livesuite image.

What needs to be done is to get the stock recovery for these devices.
hello sir vimpirefo, do you have a file like this sdparted-recovery.zip for mid9740? i just want to try this instruction solved-messed-up-partitions-on-internal-storage maybe it can help to mount cache on my tablet. so i can use the file that you gave to me yesterday. thanks in advance.

Your problem isn't the same, you can force cache to mount via sdcard but wont allow you to do anything.

to mount cache from sdcard, you need to make two partitions on your sdcard, first partition fat32 second partition ext4.

boot into recovery

adb shell

mount -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /cache

this will mount cache but your nand is locked meaning this doesn't do anything as you will just reboot into recovery again.

in recovery try and mount data or system you should get an error can't mount as they are also locked.
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i assume that it can help me. maybe i have to wait for your another instruction fix my problem.
Ok type below command and post output before and after using the insmod /tmp/nand.ko

adb shell

ls /dev/block

This is what and unlocked nand looks like

loop0     loop3     loop6     nandb     nande     nandh     nandk     ram0
loop1     loop4     loop7     nandc     nandf     nandi     nandk1    ram1
loop2     loop5     nanda     nandd     nandg     nandj     platform

we have to get your nand's to show
this is mine
~ # ls /dev/blockls /dev/block
loop0      loop3      loop6      mmcblk0p1  nande      platform
loop1      loop4      loop7      mmcblk0p2  nandf      ram0
loop2      loop5      mmcblk0    mmcblk0p3  nandh      ram1
~ #
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this is mine

~ # ls /dev/block
ls /dev/block
loop0 loop3 loop6 mmcblk0p1 nande platform
loop1 loop4 loop7 mmcblk0p2 nandf ram0
loop2 loop5 mmcblk0 mmcblk0p3 nandh ram1
~ #
is your sdcard partitioned?

remove your sdcard and then post ls /dev/block output again
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yes it was partitioned.


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here's what happen
~ # mount -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /cachemount -t ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /cache
~ #

Mounts and Storage Menu

- mount /system
- mount /data
- unmount /cache
- mount /sdcard
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