Sometimes Clear sound then others Hardly any sound on Iconia A500?


Senior Member
Dec 3, 2012
Hi all:

My wife's A500 while most of the time the sound is quite Loud and Clear.
There are other times that even if the sound is turned all the way up you can barely hear it.

This happens mostly while she is playing games.
Which ones really doesn't matter.
One time Family Farm for Android will play great sound, Then next it might as well not be playing anything.
Scramble, Word with Friends etc.

This has also been noticed every now and again when watching a video or playing music.
I've checked all the settings and everything looks/seems normal.

I feel it's most likely something NEW that she has installed but trying to tell her that!!!!!
I might as well be talking to my keyboard it would listen better. :mad:

She doesn't want to do a hard reset, And a Factory Data Reset is 99.9% out of the question.
She hates having to do anything over.
She just expects things to work and then when they don't she comes screaming to me for help.
But doesn't want to do what it takes to try fixing them..... :mad:

Any Idea to appease the Beast?
I'd be most grateful...... :confused:

Thanks: Ricky
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I too have just noticed the problem with hardly no sound. For the first time, I was watching a recent video of a show that I missed on CBS, and I could hardly hear it. For what I normally use my tablet for, I havent had to worry about the sound (reading books, web surfing, checking emails, etc..), so I could of had this problem for some time not knowing it. Anybody else out there having this problem? or know of a way of fixing this problem?
I too have just noticed the problem with hardly no sound. For the first time, I was watching a recent video of a show that I missed on CBS, and I could hardly hear it. For what I normally use my tablet for, I havent had to worry about the sound (reading books, web surfing, checking emails, etc..), so I could of had this problem for some time not knowing it. Anybody else out there having this problem? or know of a way of fixing this problem?

Sad to say that shortly after I posted about this, It had seemed to clear up on it's own.
For about a week I think then for no reason it started to happen again to my wife's A500, except this time it was doing it on several different programs thhat she uses quite often.

Then the next day everything was fine and it hasn't happened since. :confused:

When I was using my A500 I never had this type of problem So i really don't know and can't say.
I'm now using a Lenovo IdeaTab A2109A and it's "GREAT" to say the least.
But then again It has Jelly Bean 4.1.1 Stock ROM on it so that maybe it as well?

I think it's software of some sort and not hardware.
As on my A500 I had Bluetooth problems with my keyboard, And the same problem is on my IdeaTab.
So it's not the hardware two different Chips, But instead two different OS's.
But most likely same driver.

So if it is like I feel it maybe awhile before the problem is totally fixed.

I've seen things like your's and my wife's sound problems on Windows PC's before if a messed up driver has been installed, And then you update that driver and the problem disappears.
I hope this is what's happened with my wife's A500 and I hope yours fixes itself as well.... GOOD LUCK: Ricky