Suddenly my S7 is slow


Dec 3, 2010
All of a sudden, I turn on my S7 and it is a dog. Applications are not responding having to force close, pull out battery over and over again. Did some update go out yesterday that is eating up my S7. I am about to do a reset and clean install everything back on. Don't know what else to try?:(
did you install any new apps? sorry, but it has to be asked...
None new. There were updates to apps which I do not recall which. I brought it up in safe mode and it still a dog.
if you go to market and then look at myapps, it SHOULD list them in order installed with most recent being at the top. I believe that this also includes apps that updated. you may want to check there first and try removing apps that were recently installed.

Just a suggestion.
I removed Auto App killer, ADW Launcher, Titanium back up, and Solitaire. Seems better. Is there a defrag app out there?
The only cache I was aware of was in the applications in settings. Is there another?
There is a program called autorun which checks all the stuff that runs automatically. It is worth trimming this down.
The only cache I was aware of was in the applications in settings. Is there another?

Download cache cleaner from the market to clean the system cache. The dalvik cache can be cleaned through adb/terminal or if you you have TI backup pro it has an option to clean dalvik.

Sent from my nonsensikal froyo
Why remove the task killer, it should help by closing down stuff you aren't using. If you install the advanced task killer it reports available memory.

As far as I can make out the s7 has approximately
440 MB of ram
180 mb /system
170 mb /data
100 mb /cache

Installing too many applications may fill up /data but should not slow up the box. Running lots of programs at the same time will slow things up, so back to the chase, install advanced task killer and use it to clean up the dross.

A couple of usefully commands
Busybody top -m. - will show the memory hungry processes
Busybody df -ka. - will show flash disk usage

I just checked my usage skyfire 101mb.

Finally. Defray is not really useful on solid state storage - flash etc. On hard disks, each fragment of a file that needs to be fetched has to wait until the disk spins to the data location - typically 5mS, SD cards don't spin ...

Pete, on the move...
It seemed that after the last update of task killer things started to go wrong. I had restarted the device so nothing would be running other than that which came up on start up. The other thing was that it seemed to slow down when gmail was synching. Not sure what root cause was, I actually ended up doing a factory reset to get it right. As initially after the removal of some apps it appeared better. It eventually would start acting up. After the reset things have been good so far. As for defraging, I had read that even solid state devices that had poor memory managers would get fragmented and it would affect performance.