SuperPAD II (SuperPAD I with 512MB RAM)

I don't think any of the ft models have come out with a capacitive touchscreen yet. That would rock though.

Update to order: I still haven't heard anything from chinagrabber, but I expected that. Now the people at wellphone.collection sent me an email stating they had shipped my "leather" cover and it actually had a space in it for the camera! Most of the tablet covers I have seen don't have an opening for the camera, and it is not the one I ordered because the ad didn't say anything about a camera hole. All in all, I am very pleased.
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That is the exact wording in almost every ad for this tablet. Lots of copy and paste going on somewhere :) I do hope this tablet will be upgradable to Honeycomb, that would rock since I have already ordered one.
Just wish there was a (send my old flytouch back towards credit for the upgrade) option. Just an archos101. So little money. So many toys

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I hope you're getting the real F/T3 as there as some pads on ebay purporting to be F/T 3 with the 512 & 4g RAM, but they only have 1 T/F card slot & say only 2 gb available to use due to O/S? The true F/T3 according to an Aussie supplier I've found should have 2 USB's & 2 TF slots for mem expansion plus some of the manufacturers are still trying to get 'flash' working correctly, so it's a full on F/T 3 Superpad.

Have checked the link. Picture shows dual T/F slots & USB's but the actual written specs say only 1 TF but with dual micro SD capabilities.
Sent an email to confirm what is correct. Cheers Min.
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Seems they know the popularity of this tablet has gone up so tricking the buyer is an easy win
What the tablet makers will do for money these days. Sigh

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I just wanted to say that you can put 2 microSD cards into the single slot using a Dual MicroSD adapter like this one here.. Dual MicroSD MicroSDHC to MS PRO DUO Adapter. Converts Two MicroSD or MicroSDHC Cards To MS PRO DUO: Electronics

Also, I'm not really sure but doesn't buying from CG using Paypal give you some buyer protection? Maybe somebody already answered this.

Excuse me, but how do you plug the device into a Micro SDHC Slot when it is twice as big as the slot?
Excuse me, but how do you plug the device into a Micro SDHC Slot when it is twice as big as the slot?

CG says Dual MicroSD / Single TF Card Slot
That doesn't look like a MicroSD card slot to me, I don't have one of these so maybe somebody can clarify.
Hi all, rec'd email confirmation from my Aust. supplier they will have the real F/T 3 available to ship around 8th March 2011 [FONT=Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana] email address:, or their web addy is Aero Artworks, Proudly Decorating Australia this is the link from my personal email: 10.1 Superpad 2 aka Flytouch 3 APAD ANDROID 2.2 X220 1080P - $249.00 : Aero Artworks, Proudly Decorating Australia

They're doing a pre-release price of $249.00 (au) & also have their own forum (not fly by nighters) have Aussie ABN (business no.). I feel safer buying from a guy who knows what he's talking about his specs do show 2 USB & 2 TF for micro SD cards. Not the ZT180's pretending to be F/T's. Hope it helps someone. Cheers Min.