SuperPAD II (SuperPAD I with 512MB RAM)

... Also, I'm not really sure but doesn't buying from CG using Paypal give you some buyer protection? Maybe somebody already answered this.

Using PayPal has its advantages, even when dealing with Chinese wholesalers, but that is only if they don't ship your product. Once you receive it there really isn't much you can do if they sent you a boat anchor of a tablet. But that is better than nothing. :D
CG says Dual MicroSD / Single TF Card Slot
That doesn't look like a MicroSD card slot to me, I don't have one of these so maybe somebody can clarify.
View attachment 1374

Depending on the area your looking at, you are actually seeing the RJ45 Ethernet connection or the HDMI connection. Then there are two USB ports and two Micro SD (TF) slorts.
I went to the ChinaGrabber website and looked at the bigger picture of the one posted below. In this picture, from left to right you have the RJ45 ethernet port, then the HDMI port, one USB slot, one SD card slot, then the other USB slot. The picture does not show a second SD card slot, but these people are bad about using a picture of the actual item they are selling you. I have already ordered mine from the and when I get it in a couple of weeks I will let you know if it is delivered with two SD card slots as advertised.
My Flytouch 3 finally arrived and it was up and running as soon as i turned it on. I tried all of the apps and wigets and everything worked. The only problem i have is trying to setup a wireless connection with my Dlink 655 router. It that a challenge. The dlink forum was no help at all. So for now i have no WiFi.
How long did it take for you to get your Flytouch 3 Tablet from ChinaGrabber?? I ordered mine on the 2/11 and they said it was back ordered it would ship 2/25-2/28. Just curious the transit time once shipped.
Well the one I bought from Ebay came through the same basic people, and I got the same company communicating with me that the people that bought ChinaGrabber got. I'm fairly sure I got the real one..
Flytouch3 / Superpad 2 Hot Spots:

- Android 2.2 Froyo OS
- Built-in GPS Navigator + GPS Antenna
- Dual RJ45 / Single TF Card Slot
- Dual USB Ports for plugging Keyboard Cases

i think some of the confusion was that microsd and tf card are the same.

wait so it has two ethernet ports??
After a day of getting acquainted with my Flytouch 3, I can safely say (for now) that it's a great piece of electronics for the price. It does everything i want it to do. From the internet to playing movies, listening to music, using the gps and camera, etc. It performed very well. After awhile it tends to get a little uncomfortable holding it, So i ordered the case with keyboard, and a screen protector for it.
I have no cons for my Flytouch 3. Android 2.2 is already being rooted (but I'll wait until i have to). All the apps i want work fine with it. Right now I'm satisfied.
IF I ORDERED MINE MONDAY, WHEN WILL IT BE HERE ?!?! No, but seriously, I hope I'm getting the same one you got and not some ripoff. I'm starting to honestly hope wephone.collection is dropshiping with ChinaGrabber! D:
placed my order on the 02nd of feb and im still waiting, onmy account there was : flytouch3 waiting list 25/28feb, today it changed to 28feb/03mar, even when i was told that i was bumped up the top of the waiting list last week,
i asked them again last night and they replayed with one single word (today), i honestly dont get it anymore, how evr it would be nice of those who recieved there tablets to give us a nice rview instead of i like it it dose what it says onn the thing expressions, and i will do the same for others when i get mine thats for sure.
All this confusion and discusion over what is or is not the Flytouch 3 and its various incantations (Superpad 2, Epad 3, Apad)

The sellers in China are showing you mixed photo's of both 10" and 8" units; as well as mixed up specifications of both Flytouch and ZT-180 tablets. The only outward observable physical difference between Flytouch 2 and Flytouch 3 is the end panel where the slot interfaces are installed. (See Attachment)

Here is what I can now define for sure about the 10" Flytouch 3 Tablets:

Android 2.2
Infotmic X220 ARM11 1GHz CPU
4GB Flash Memory
1024 X 600 Screen Resolution
RJ45 Ethernet Port
SDHC Card Slot (Only one, 32 GB Max.)
USB Ports (2 Ea.)
GPS Antenna Port
External DC Power Jack
Earphone Jack
Speakers (2 ea.)
6000-6400ma Battery

WIFI 802.11 b/g
3.1 Mega Pixel Camera

Some seller's are claiming Flash V10.1 downloadable upgrade to be available in March 2011.

My impression is that without Flash V10.1 the Flytouch 3 is no big improvement over Flytouch 2. Android 2.1 or 2.2, they are both obsolete. Two or one SDHC Card slot, the max is still 32 GB. No bluetooth support. The major difference is that any need to "Register" is gone in the Fly3.

Me, I'll just wait for Flytouch 4 and Android 3.0; the first real tablet OS from Google Android.


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