T-Mobile Pay As You Go + $1.49 Web Day Pass + Android T-Mobile My Account App = WIN


Could you please tell me which tablet you have..?

And why did you decide on using T-mobile and not any other network provider..? Was it becasue they offer the best service in your area..? How are the 3G speeds when you are on the move or on the road..?

Please do also let me know approximately how much the dongle and the SIM card cost you.

I ask all this because I am thinking of getting 3G access for my Zt180 epad.

What is the best way to obtain wireless or internet connection, sales people at Best Buy don't seem to know. Do I need sym card & svc from carrier or what? No instructions for this product
I have the Huawei S7 tablet. I called ATT & they told me I would need to sign up for svc, 2 yr contract!! I know there is another way..sorry Im not very tech savy when it comes to these items. Have only used it with Wifi at locations. I wanted svc for traveling where wifi isnt available. Any suggestion is appreciated
I also use the Virgin Mobile MiFi device (wifi access point). Can connect up to 5 users. Mine came from Walmart as they had a special deal $20 for a gig for 30 days. Have never used all of it. Mostly use it for Google maps (with the S7 gps). Pretty cool can surf/check email etc.

I think the other plans are $10 for a week (300 MB?) $40? for month unlimited (unless you use to much then you get slowed down). You don't have to keep it active all the time.
You could use any wireless connection from any cell provider. Most have some kind of myfy device. I personally use my evo because of the option to use it as a wireless access ponit that will support I think up to 5 connections at a time.

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