Tablet for eReader and Surfing (Pandigital Novel and Alternatives)

Not that I know what a g-sensor is LOL I know nothing that has anything to do with gaming, but I will look for it. I am not worried about it getting broken, it will stay on her desk. I am also looking for a step above a toy, so that as she gets a little older it can be a transitional thing into really using a computer (why I hope to find something that can attach a keyboard). So... 10", g-sensor, preferably Android 2.2 or 2.1 upgradable, access to the google apps store, either screen is OK.

On the Ipad issue... way too expensive and I have a thing in my house, she was the first to get uggs, but anything apple has to be mine first LMAO... otherwise I will just steal it for myself HAAAA
Winner? Herotab MID816 Android 2.2 Flash 10.1 1.2GHz Multitouch Gsensor HDMI
Looks like it has everything, plus enough to keep it from becoming obsolete by next Christmas LMAO Capable of the hooks up for keyboard, has the gsensor thingy, plus has a camera (she loves that idea LOL) and looks like it will do what she wants for Google Earth, plus it can play the silly little flash games she does at school. Not too worried about drawing on anything as she prefers making EVERYTHING out of paper and tape (you would not believe what she can make with index cards and scotch tape HAAAA). From the looks of it it will be a good transition into the world of computers later. Even looks like it can handle simple word stuff so maybe she can use to type homework so that someone might actually be able to read it HAAA

Anyway, I think I might pre-order this one, if anyone knows any major problems with it.... let me know? And thanks to everyone for all the help. I have no clue what I am looking at here, and I am having enough trouble trying to set up simple crap on my new crackberry phone deal HAAA Best part is... in this house, I am considered the tech geek... pretty scary!
I just got the Archos 32 for my daughter for her birthday. I wasn't really sure what to expect, as most of the kids in my house have ipod touches. I was a little leery of the resistive touch since we're all used to the capacitive. I ordered it the day they hit the market and got it today. This little Archos is AWESOME!!! I'm getting rid of my ipod touch and getting an Archos for myself. Here's a little comparison of the two:

Ipod Touch: 8GB - Archos 32: 8GB
Ipod: 199.99+tax & shipping - Archos: $144 (no tax/free shipping)
Ipod: No camera - Archos: camera that does still and video
Ipod: Capacitive touch - Archos: Resistive touch (my daughter has noticed no considerable difference though I do know there is a difference. It is slick!!)
Ipod: Built in speaker - Archos: Have to have headphones
Ipod: No TV capabilities - Archos: Can be plugged into tv and used as a game console
Ipod: Have to have an itunes account AND itunes on your
computer - Archos: No extra software required

This is not everything, but a good start. This little tablet is definitely the best bang for your buck (in my opinion). I would recommend this little tablet to most.
I'm looking for a new media consumption device. I want it to work well as an eReader, browser (flash is a plus), video playback device, and notetaking device. Having been a user of a tablet PC for years I actually want a stylus. Multitouch gestures aren't important but a pen like hand position for notes (and even for browsing) is idesired instead of an index finger.

My first thought was the white Pandigital Novel (android 2.1, 800x600 screen). The 4x3 aspect ratio feels much better (in my opinion) for note taking, browsing, and reading. The problems are the aspect ratio being non-standard and the price. At around $100 I'd go for it but the $150 I'm finding online makes me think I should find a different tablet that might include a camera, android 2.2, or a faster processor.

Any thoughts?