Tablet Not Switching On


Nov 10, 2013
Hello everyone...i really really need help with my tablet...when i switch it on it only goes up to the green android icon (robot) and that's as far as it goes. please help with step by step instructions of what i need to do or download to get my tablet working.

Android OS 2.2
Kernel 2.6.32
Build Number V1.3.1

Many thanks!!
Hello panicmab, welcome to the forum and congratulations on your tablet. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. I'd suggest you do a factory reset of your tablet. The procedure varies according to the tablet, and I'm not sure exactly which tablet you have. Click this link to and try some of the methods listed there to see if any will work for your tablet. Be aware, any personal data on the tablet will be wiped out, so be sure to back up anything you've added to the tablet. Good luck!
Hello panicmab, welcome to the forum and congratulations on your tablet. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. I'd suggest you do a factory reset of your tablet. The procedure varies according to the tablet, and I'm not sure exactly which tablet you have. Click this link to and try some of the methods listed there to see if any will work for your tablet. Be aware, any personal data on the tablet will be wiped out, so be sure to back up anything you've added to the tablet. Good luck!

$IMG00244-20131111-1710.jpgHie Spider..this is as far as it goes when i switch it on...i tried what you had suggested and it ddnt work i'm tablet is a MID android WM8650 tablet.
Hi again panicmab, sorry to hear none of the methods listed works for your tablet. I'm not familiar with your particular tablet, so I'm going to move your thread to the WonderMedia WM8650 Tablets forum for you. Hopefully, someone who has that tablet will reply and help you out. If they do, please go to the reset thread I sent you to and update it to include what works for you.
thanks again've been such help...will definitely let you know of any progress..many thanks:D