Tablet or Kindle


Jun 25, 2011
Hi I'm new to the forum and know very little about android tablets so i'm hoping some of you experts can help me.
My father is disabled and is having increasing difficulty holding large books to read. Someone has told him that he should get a kindle but the problem is that he mainly reads reference books on music, films and general knowledge and i am not sure if a kindle would be any use in reading that type of book where you would link between articles or if that type of book is available for the kindle.
Does anyone know if there are any apps for android tablets to provide that type of function as a reader and if that type of book is available.
He does not have access to the internet so anything would have to be downloaded by me and transferred to the tablet.
Apps for your PC are available free of charge that will allow you to use your PC as if it were a Nook or Kindle etc. I would suggest you install one or more on your PC and see if they will provide the necessary function and if the type of books your father requires are available in their libraries. Kindle for PC - Read Kindle eBooks on your PC
Free NOOK app for PC, Download eReader app - Barnes*&*Noble

Thanks for your help, i've decided to go for the kindle
The kindle has built in Wikipedia but you need internet to make use of it . For about $30 more you can get the kindle with built in 3g and no data plan required. Free data on it. I had one and loved that part but it has no back light so that killed about 80% of my reading time capability with it.

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